Sweet Honey Cornbread

"A girlfriend gave me her recipe, which I lost as it was on a peice of paper. I wanted to re-make it, but she was away! So I tried to remember what was in it. I wrote down and measure everything, I managed to make the best corn bread I have ever eaten. I am keeping it here for safe keeping. Be sure to eat warm cornbread with honey butter."
photo by Buzymomof3 photo by Buzymomof3
photo by Buzymomof3
Ready In:




  • Mix all the wet ingredients in a large bowl, whisk until well combined. (425 gram tin of creamed corn is equal to 1 1/4 cups).
  • Add the dry ingredients and fold through.
  • Pour into a greased and lined 18x28 cm (lamington) tin.
  • Bake at 180 c (375 F) for 20 - 30 minutes, or cooked when tested with a skewer.

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  1. I was really worried when the batter was so soupy (using low fat milk might have contributed to that), but it baked up beautifully! Absolutely delicious! More like corn cake than cornbread, and that's a good thing if you like it sweet!
  2. Lovely cornbread :) Pair with some honey butter on top = PERFECTION!
  3. Don't know what happened to my rating - but I'm posting it again. We really liked this, my husband even volunteered that it was good without being asked! I liked that I got to use my new Australian measuring cups and spoons that I got from a cookbook swap from I'mPat and my New Zealand honey that I got from a friend there. Will definitely make again. Thanks Cookingpompom!! Made for PAC Spring 2011


<p><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/PACsticker-Adopted.jpg alt=/ /> <br /><br />As a toddler, my nic-name was Pompom (my Poppy had a golf hat with a pompom and it was one of my first words, and it stuck as my nic name). &nbsp;My Poppy has long since passed, but I fondly remember him every time I log on. &nbsp;I'm a stay at home mum of four aged: 10, 8, 7 and almost 6. I have a severe egg allergy and am lactose intolerant, I&nbsp;enjoy working out ways to still enjoy food minus eggs and milk. I have been married for 14 years and have one very happy and well fed hubby.<br />My goal is to try one new recipe a week, for the past 8 years have achieved this. &nbsp;I own over 300 cookbooks, but no longer purchase them - but regularly print out recipes to try later.<br />When I am not cooking, I am busy household of 6 and going to the gym (to work off the wonderful calories I consumed the day before) and helping at school and church.<br />My philosophy in life is: as we have to eat, we may as well eat well.</p>
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