Easiest Chicken Marsala (Make the Night Before)

"Used for our Gourmet Club. So, easy and delicious I kept thinking am I forgetting to do something. May seem like a lot of wine, but alot gets absorbed overnight by the chicken. Raves from the Club. This is a 5 star recipe for flavor & appearance however baking it in the dish that you have marinated it in does not allow the bottom of the breast to crisp and it remains very soft. Next time I would place it on a shallow rack in the oven or pan fry in a non stick pan so both sides get that lovely golden texture."
photo by Lori B. photo by Lori B.
photo by Lori B.
Ready In:
1hr 15mins




  • Scramble egg in small bowl.
  • Dip chicken breasts into egg and dredge into bread crumbs on both sides.
  • Saute breasts in a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan; set aside.
  • Saute mushrooms and garlic in a small amount of olive oil.
  • Add broth and wine and bring to a boil.
  • Lay chicken breasts side by side in baking dish.
  • Pour mushrooms and wine sauce over chicken.
  • Marinate overnight in fridge.
  • Bake chicken at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes uncovered until hot.
  • Serve with rice or noodles.
  • **The sauce absorbs into the chicken so you want alot of sauce to begin with.
  • Also realize the alcohol burns off during the cooking.
  • If you choose to have less sauce, broth and wine should be of equal proportions.

Questions & Replies

  1. Can you add a little flour to make the sauce thicker? And possibly make it the night before and bake the chicken in the oven, make the sauce separately and then combine them before warming the next day.
  2. What is the purpose of the egg in this dish?
  3. Hi. Do I fully cook the breasts before refrigerator??? Ty
  4. I am making this recipe for 18 people next Friday night and was going to make it ahead of time, but am concerned about it getting soggy over night. Has anyone tried baking the chicken cutlets in the oven and making the sauce separately and then combining them prior to baking.
  5. How do you think this would come out if i marinated raw chicken breast in the sauce overnight then just baked the next day as stated in the recipe? Also, I'm concerned the sauce will be too thin...does it thicken?


  1. This is a 5 star recipe for flavor & appearance however baking it in the dish that you have marinated it in does not allow the bottom of the breast to crisp and it remains very soft. Next time I would place it on a shallow rack in the oven or pan fry in a non stick pan so both sides get that lovely golden texture. This is an easy ,do ahead, recipe and I will be making it again. Thanks janet gut
  2. This was so easy to make and was very well liked. I think I'm even going to make this for Christmas Eve. Wonderful dish to make when you don't want to send time in the kitchen while you have guests. Just make sure you use a GOOD Marsala Wine.
  3. I made this for Christmas dinner, my husband and parents LOVED it! I didn't get time to prepare it the night before, so did it in the morning. Will definately go in my "make again" file. Thank-you!
  4. This chicken is fork tender, flavorful, and EASY! I love that you can make it the day before...I think that's what gives it such awesome flavor. I was lazy and bought thinly sliced chicken breast and I also had to use a little white wine because I didn't have enough marsala. My dinner guests were very impressed...I'll be making it again this weekend for other guests. Thanks for a fantastic recipe!
  5. I made this exactly as written. It was great. My family said it was as good as you'd get in any restaurant. That is a high compliment from them. I loved the idea that you made it the night before & just pop it into the oven when company comes.


I live in Chagrin Falls, Ohio a beautiful area with a waterfall in the middle of town. During the summer you avoid this area because the "conelickers" come to town. They come to town, go to the ice cream shop and go see the falls, therefore the "conelickers". I am a stay at home mom to a wonderful 16 year old daughter and a great 14 year old son. I have been very blessed. I am also trying to adopt a 4 yr. old little girl who is in foster care, and our social services in the county are awful, but we are fighting to get her. I am in charge of our neighborhood Gourmet Club. We have approximately 30 couples in the club. We meet 3-4 times a year and the recipes are usually theme related (chinese, mexican, bbq, Kentucky Derby, etc.) My passions are my kids, food and I love dogs. I have two dogs, both rescued. They are an american eskimo and a border collie. They are very high energy, but greatly loved.
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