Potato Galette

photo by NoraMarie

- Ready In:
- 1hr 10mins
- Ingredients:
- 4
- Serves:
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 3⁄4 lb potato, scrubbed, unpeeled
- 1⁄4 teaspoon dried rosemary
- In a small bowl stir together the butter and the oil. In a food processor fitted with a 1-millimeter slicing blade or with a mandoline or similar hand-held slicing device, slice the potatoes thin. Working quickly to prevent the potatoes from discoloring, brush the bottom of a 9-inch cast-iron skillet with some of the butter mixture and cover it with a layer of the potato slices, overlapping them. Brush the potatoes with some of the remaining butter mixture, sprinkle them with some of the rosemary, and season them with salt and pepper. Layer the remaining potatoes with the remaining butter mixture and the rosemary in the same manner.
- Heat the mixture over moderately high heat until it begins to sizzle, transfer the skillet to the middle of a preheated 450°F oven, and bake the galette for 25 minutes, or until it is golden and the potatoes are tender. Cut the galette into wedges.
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Although there were not much butter/oil used these potatoes still felt a bit too greasy. It took a little more than 25 minutes (40 minutes) until the potatoes were tender but that could have been my oven. The taste of rosemary was very faint and I would advise to use more than 1/4 teaspoon.<br/>It's a very easy recipe and I am glad I tried it but I doubt if I would make it again.<br/>Thanks for posting.
Oh so good! My family absolutely LOVED these potatoes! I made them exactly as written, and they came out perfect! Incredibly delicious.I love using fresh rosemary to season potato dishes, and this one perfected the combination! Thanks JulieB.! We will have this as a regular "potato rotation" in our line-up.! Made for Zaar World Tour.
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