Mango Sorbet

"It's not actually a sorbet, more or less a frozen yoghurt...but it tastes soooooo good! It's a fairly basic recipe that you can experiment with by adding fruits and flavoured yoghurts to get a taste that best suits you."
photo by Hayley_11 photo by Hayley_11
photo by Hayley_11
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  • Place the the frozen fruit and the yoghurt into a food processor (you may want to allow the fruit to thaw slightly so you don't ruin the blades of your food processor). Puree until smooth.
  • Serve immediately, or return to the freezer for a thicker, harder consistency.

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  1. Used the mango & strawberries as given in the recipe, then added a frozen banana & used the fat-free vanilla yogurt I always have around! Half of it was served right after making it, while I re-froze the other half! Loved the flavor & texture, & with just a little thawing, the last half of this wonderful frozen dessert was happily devoured the next day! Thanks for sharing a great keeper! [Made & reviewed in Zaar Cookbook Tag]


Ofcourse this photo isn't actually me, but it's a pic i came across one day and just loved it! Moving on... I'm an Aussie girl and i absolutely love living here (in the food sense lol!) because it's so easy to access foods from all sorts of cultures and it's all so easily accessible! I work in a cafe which is quite fitting, and it's great because i'm around food all the time (and it's free...!). I do a heck of a lot of dancing and am about to enter year 12 (argh, exams and hard work!) so i do a lot of cooking as a way of relaxing. Also a bit of a healthy nut, and i don't tolerate dairy too well, so i'm always looking out for ways to make a recipe healthier and how to make it without dairy! I still enjoy cooking with everything (even if i don't eat it!) and most of the time it's passed onto the rest of the family (who are definitely happy with me doing the cooking fairly regularly!) <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
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