Asian Chicken Burgers

"Nice flavors. I normally do not have to use an egg and breadcrumbs for these burgers. If your ground chicken is very dry or crumbly add an egg and a 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs. Nice served on a bun with lettuce, stir-fried beansprouts, teaspoon of soy sauce and sesame seeds. As a topping we use sour cream."
photo by Kree photo by Kree
photo by Kree
photo by PetsRus photo by PetsRus
Ready In:




  • Heat the oil and fry the onion, ginger, garlic and chili for a 2-3 minutes, add the mushrooms for the last minute.
  • Set aside to cool.
  • Mix the ground chicken with all the other ingredients and the cooled onion mixture, shape into 4 or 6 burgers.
  • Fry them in some oil on a medium fire for several minutes on each side until done and browned.
  • Serve as suggested in the recipe-intro or use your own ideas.

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  1. I took a risk and made these for a dinner party without ever trying them first because just the recipe sounded so good. They were a huge hit! My husband loved them...he gets bored of food very easily so it was nice to be able to impress him and the others. We used ground chicken and I found I had to use a lot of bread crumbs to get the texture firm enough to make a patty that would stay firm on the grill. I don't think it affected the flavor at all. I served it with a store-bought Wasabi Sauce from Silver Springs and a Lemon sauce purchased from a local Chinese fast food place. I accompanied it with an asian peanut noodle side dish and asian broccoli salad. Next time I won't add the bread crumbs and I will pan fry them to see if there's a difference. Thanks for a unique and healthy recipe--it's a keeper!
  2. These turned out great! I used ground chicken and the mixture was ultra moist so I didn't add any egg or bread crumbs. Ground chicken, even when fully cooked, stays so tender and moist unlike ground beef burgers and it is so much lower in fat so I am always looking for "chicken burger" recipes for this reason. That being said, I am glad I found this one, I really enjoyed it and will be making again! The only thing I did differently was I used canned button mushrooms cause that is what I had on hand.
  3. A lot of flavor for this burger!! Like Kree, I grilled mine, and they were very moist and flavorful. Mine were very moist, so rather than forming them into burgers, I just spooned dollops of mixture onto the grill and flattened/shaped them out on the grill.
  4. I used turkey and it was so moist that it was impossible to make proper patties. I added 1 cup of oats (or more) and 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs until I got a good consistency to make patties. I ended up making 8 burgers! The flavor was a little weak from all that additional oats I added, so if I have this problem again I'll just simply double the soy sauce, rice wine (I used mirin), and hoisin. Everything else was good though and I used olive oil to make it even healthier. Thanks!
  5. This is a delicious burger! I love the flavor it gets from the sauteed veggies. I used sesame oil instead of peanut based on what I had available, and I also omitted the mushrooms due to personal preference. As a result, I did have to add almost 1/4 cup breadcrumbs to take out the moisture. I grilled the burgers and they came out perfectly. I would definitely make these again.


  1. This is a delicious burger! I love the flavor it gets from the sauteed veggies. I used sesame oil instead of peanut based on what I had available, and I also omitted the mushrooms due to personal preference. As a result, I did have to add almost 1/4 cup breadcrumbs to take out the moisture. I grilled the burgers and they came out perfectly. I would definitely make these again.


Hello, my name is Bonnie and I am a very beautiful cat as you can see if you look at the picture at the top of this page.... What??.. I am supposed to talk about you??? But it says here: About Me!! Well all right then ...... My mom is Dutch and has moved to England in October 2007, after living 15 years in the Netherlands with my English dad. They don’t have any human children and “created” their own family, which means I have to share them with Hannah, she is a 6 years old tortie cat, Abby the dog, she is a 9 year old Beagle, and a one year old black Miniature Pincher named Poppy, I refuse to tell you my age but I am a georgious lilac British Shorthair cat!! It is obvious she adores pets just by looking at her name she uses on Zaar (many on Zaar call her Pets or Petsie Poo), her name in real life is Annelies and that is a common Dutch name. My mom always liked to cook, but since she joined Zaar it got out of control, and it doesn’t help that she is disorganized. Printed recipes everywhere in the house, the recipe binders have got bigger and just between you and me, her hips too!!! I have lived in Holland all of my life until now, but they lived in several different countries/places:- desert and coastal Oman, up North and West in Holland, Vancouver-Canada, Aberdeen- Scotland and in Norway they lived in Bergen and Oslo. We have all moved together to England, as you can see I’ve already learnt the language! I heard her say to Dad that this is the last time she moved to another country...she's had it with moving from one place to another! ( its her age...she's getting grumpy) Mom is 55 years old but I always hear her say that the date of her birthday does not mean that much to her, the date of her cancer anniversary is more important, because so far she is a survivor. Besides cooking she has other interests too, crafts, gardening and soap making. She likes Zaar and is one of the hosts on the German-Benelux Forum here on RecipeZaar. She would like to thank everybody who tries and comments on the recipes she has posted on Recipezaar, your feedback is very much appreciated. <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
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