Cool Whip Frosting

"I love cool whip frosting, not as sweet as the traditional frosting."
photo by Merry Cook photo by Merry Cook
photo by Merry Cook
photo by Vye367 photo by Vye367
photo by Vye367 photo by Vye367
photo by FarmGirl photo by FarmGirl
photo by Vye367 photo by Vye367
Ready In:
4 cups




  • Pour milk into bowl add pudding mix and sugar.
  • Beat with wire whisk for 2 minutes.
  • Gently fold in whipped topping.

Questions & Replies

  1. Is this enough to frost a layer cake, or should I double the recipe?
  2. What if i don't have any pudding mix on hand? Is there any other way i can make this without it?
  3. Can I substitute regular pudding mix if I don't have instant?
  4. is one batch enough for a two layer cake or should i double it?
  5. Does it need to be refrigerated after


  1. The BEST! Another so easy recipe. Turned out great and has a good taste to it. Better then the butter cream frosting that will all grew up on. Thank you Juanan Whiteaker for the recipe. Also Genius Kitchen for this site.
  2. I used heavy cream instead of milk to make it thicker for piping. It turned out AMAZING!! I made 4 different colors using different colors of food coloring. A double batch frosted 36 cupcakes. Everyone LOVED it!!! Super easy and my son was super excited to help make "homemade" frosting. This is my new go to.
  3. I made a cake but that's icing and my son Fred who is 38 years old said it was the best he's ever eaten! The next day he asked me to make another one because he had eaten all of that one. He does not usually like cake but he said that frosting what's the best he had ever eaten!
  4. I made this yesterday to frost fiance's b'day cake (watermelon). I subbed almond milk for milk, used pistachio pudding and green food color (wanted it to mimic watermelon rind), and less sugar than called for. This is a great, versatile alternative to overly sweet and sticky canned frosting. For sure a keeper!
  5. i did add about half tbsp of powdered pectin to the dry pudding mix, just to make certain the frosting would hold its shape for a layer cake. I was surprised and delighted how good it turned out!! Fluffy and delicious. Great frosting hack!


I am a full time student, full time mom, full time wife among other various activites, so I don't have a great deal of time for cooking anymore. I live in Arkansas and am an avid reader. If I had a full month of no responsibilities I would finish up all my projects I have started in the past!
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