Blackberry Ice Cream

"Started with Dee514's Cinnamon Ice Cream (#67382) and grew from there. Has gorgeous deep lavender color and rich blackberry flavor. A hint of rich cinnamon (I use Penzey's Vietnamese Cinnamon) adds an exotic depth to it. Uses electric ice cream maker. Prep time doesn't include chilling base. Cook time is freezing time."
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
photo by Bonnie G #2
photo by Baby Kato photo by Baby Kato
photo by Baby Kato photo by Baby Kato
Ready In:
1 quart




  • Mix blackberries and 1/2 cup sugar in small saucepan. Bring to low boil, simmer 5 minutes to dissolve sugar and break up berries. Cool slightly. Puree in blender. Press puree through fine sieve to remove seeds. Discard seeds. Set puree aside.
  • Mix egg yolk, remaining 1/2 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup half and half in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil and thickens slightly (about 5 min).
  • Whisk remaining half and half, all of cream and cinnamon and vanilla into cooked mixture. Whisk in blackberry puree.
  • Cool and chill the ice cream base mixture for 1-2 hours or overnight.
  • Pour cold mixture into electric ice cream machine and process according to manufacturer's directions (takes about 25 minutes in my Cuisinart electric ice cream maker).

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  1. made a non-dairy version of this tonight. it is incredible. subbed 1 C almond milk and 1 1/2 cups regular coconut milk, and it is one of the most delicious things ever. the flavor is so complex, tart and warm and dense. excellent stuff. super rich. thanks for sharing.
  2. Made this ice cream from the black berries in our garden, like another reviewer I used all heavy cream and added just a few chunks of berry when about half done, oh my!!! This was so creamy and flavorful, with none of those tiny seeds blackberries are so full of. Served on top of a home made brownie with whipped cream. Made for a special and impressive desert. This will be a keeper for sure
  3. I made this but I used all heavy whipping cream. It was amazing. Nice and creamy and a beautiful color. Will definitely make it again Sandy
  4. I have made a couple different ice cream recipes, but none taste quite like this one. I've tried it different times adding lemon or cinnamon, as well as exchanging blackberries for strawberries, leaving them unstrained and a little chunky. This is my go to recipe for any fruit ice cream!
  5. What a terrific ice cream . It was lovely, it had so much flavor and was rich and creamy. A lovely purple color. I needed a black raspberry ice cream for a strawberry smoothie that I wanted to make and choose your lovely recipe to use. It worked beautifully. Thank you for sharing a recipe that I will again.


  1. Delightful! Creamy and smooth, and the cinnamon gives a surprising zing to the flavor. Since we are low-carb, I substituted 1/2 c. Splenda and 1/4 c. fructose for the sugar - cuts the carbs way down and it's still fabulous.


I've lived in Seattle for the past 20 years. I'm a scientist who works in the pharmaceutical industry and I cook for fun and relaxation. I read cookbooks like novels and have trouble passing a used bookstore without going in. My current favorite cookbooks are Pam Anderson's How to Cook Without a Book, Jerry Traunfeld's The Herbfarm Cookbook, and Shirley Corriher's Cookwise.
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