Spiced Nuts

"This simple yet taste recipe is the simplest recipe I have found for candied pecans, walnuts or any nut really. It's from a 14th Century English cookbook I have."
photo by Midwest Maven photo by Midwest Maven
photo by Midwest Maven
Ready In:




  • Mix egg white and the nuts( any kind of nut may be used) together until the nuts are sticky and well covered with egg white.
  • In a "ziplock" bag, combine the sugar and cinnamon and toss the sticky nuts into the mixture.
  • shake well to cover the nuts.
  • Pour out the ingredients of the bag and spread onto a backing sheet that is ungreased and bake at 300F for about 20 minutes.
  • The nuts will get a white looking coating on them in the oven when they are done.
  • Pull out of oven and remove the nuts from the cookie sheet immediately.
  • Let cool and watch them disappear!

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  1. This was the easiest and tastiest of three spiced nut recipes I tried for winter of 2009. Thanks for sharing!
  2. quick and easy big hit everywhere I have taken them
  3. OMG! This is the best snack ever, so yummy. These came out sweet and cinnamin-y and with a crunchy coating that was delicious! My bf has already asked me to make this again(a real compliment btw). Next time I might try different nuts just to mixx it up a bit, thought this would taste great with almonds :) Thanks so much, great recipe!


<p>Hello, <br />I am a southerner, born and raised here in the deep south. I have many interest and you could probably call me a jack of all trades, master of none! Currently I am a school bus driver, before that I was a Costumer and manager/ buyer for a Costume shop, before that I spent a few years as a graphic designer. For the past 15 years in my free time, I have studied Medieval history and hope to one day get a degree in it. <br />I have 4 wonderful kitty's who allow me to live with them If I bribe them with food. Hehe, other wise they mutiny! I love snow skiing, mountain climbing,and archeology digs,most of which are not conducive to the south, so Its a good thing I love to travel! <br />Of course I love to cook and horde recipes like they are gold, I am also a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism's (SCA), where I am a baroness, painter of manuscripts, and leader of the local group. Thus my name. <br />One of the things I like doing in the SCA is cooking period food for 300 or so of my friends, after researching recipes and redacting them to suit modern taste. I have always been interested in different cultures and food is a wonderful way to experience a taste of someone else's world. Thats when I found Recipe ZAAR, and I have been enjoying new friendships and some great food here! <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/200_PACpic.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/pacbanner.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /></p>
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