Polish Beets

photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Sauté the onion in the butter for three to five minutes.
  • Stir in the flour.
  • Add the yogurt and heat to just below the boiling point.
  • Add the beets, horseradish and sugar, and heat thoroughly.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with the parsley.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Delicious!! I love the combination of horseradish and beets, and the yogurt/beet combo makes the most incredible color! Note - I used a LOT less than the called-for 12 tsp. of sugar (I think beets are plenty sweet on their own). Thanks for sharing this one; I'm sure I'll be making it again!
  2. This was good. I really like the horseradish flavor. I did not use as much sugar. Thank you.
  3. This was so easy and such a big hit at my bookclub. Even the one that said beets was not one of their favorites, said they really liked it.
  4. This is a GREAT beets recipe! VERY TASTY! I just started to like fresh beets, still don't like canned. We enjoyed these with fish.
  5. This tastes wonderful - I completely omitted the sugar and used sour cream instead of yogurt. It was a beautiful pink color, but to me it just was not an appetizing color for a side dish. Maybe served with a fish or other pale colored meal that needs a bit of livening up.


  1. This tastes wonderful - I completely omitted the sugar and used sour cream instead of yogurt. It was a beautiful pink color, but to me it just was not an appetizing color for a side dish. Maybe served with a fish or other pale colored meal that needs a bit of livening up.


Very busy nanny/au pair, working for a very rich and snooty family, in a very large home, in a very snooty village. Just in case my employer comes here, please don't ask where I am from, or I'll be sacked like the last nanny was. ;-) I take care of 4 gorgeous, and darling kids. 3 girls and a boy. The boy is the youngest (and my favorite). They are great children, very, very active. (Hyper) I love to cook. I guess that's a given, why else would I be here. Part of my job is also to prepare meals for the family. The more they like my food, the longer I get to stay. (just a little joke) On my day off, I usually go out to the cinema or some dance clubs with the other au pairs in this town. That's about it I think.
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