Pineapple Lemon Jam (With Pomona's Universal Pectin)

photo by Kathy228

- Ready In:
- 45mins
- Ingredients:
- 7
- Yields:
7-8 half pints
Prepare Pectin:
- Mix 3 teaspoons pectin (large envelope) with 3-cups sugar. Set aside.
- Mix 1/2 teaspoons of the calcuim (sm. envelope) with 1/2 cup water. Set aside.
- Scrub then peel the lemons.
- Put the peels in a small sauce pan. Cover with water and simmer for 20-minutes or until the peel can be pierced with a fork. Drain, rinse, cool and chop the peel.
- Remove the excess white pith from the peeled lemons.
- Cut the peeled lemons in quarters. Slice out the white center membrane and discard.
- Puree the peeled lemons in a food processor.
- Into a heavy saucepan, measure 1 teaspoons butter, 2-cups lemon puree, 1-cup chopped peel, 2-cups undrained, crushed pineapple, and 1-cup of wine (for a total of 6-cups).
- If you are short of the 6-cups, just add more wine, pineapple or lemon.
- To the fruit in the pan, add 3 teaspoons prepared calcium water. (The rest of the calcium water can be saved in a little jar for up to two months in the fridge).
- Bring to a hard boil and boil for one minute.
- Add the sugar/pectin mixture and stir vigorously for 2-minutes allowing pectin to dissolve.
- NOTE: At this point you can add an additional one-cup sugar to give the jam a longer "opened jar" refrigerator shelf life.
- Bring back to a boil and boil hard for one minute. Skim foam if necessary.
- Ladle into seven, sterilized half-pint jelly jars, and process only 5-mins.
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<P>Hello. I live in NE Ohio in a suburb about 20 miles from Lake Erie, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.</P>
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