Cherry Jelly

"Sweet or sour cherries can be used. I used sour because that is what grows on our tree. Got this off the internet and altered it somewhat. No need to pit all those cherries. This one is easy! Time to make does not include time for water to boil in water bath canner."
photo by TeacherLaLa photo by TeacherLaLa
photo by TeacherLaLa
photo by Emily G. photo by Emily G.
Ready In:
7 half pints





  • Select fully ripe cherries.
  • Softly wash. Remove stems. Do not pit!
  • In large pot, crush cherries (I use a potato masher.).
  • Add 1 cup water to crushed cherries.
  • Bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain juice through a jelly bag or cheesecloth. (I use a fine mesh "sifter" lined with a coffee filter.).
  • Toss pits, pulp, and peels.

  • Measure 3 1/2 cups juice into large pot.
  • Add pectin and stir.
  • Place on high heat and stir constantly.
  • Bring to a full rolling boil (that can't be stirred down).
  • Add sugar, continue stirring and bring to a full rolling boil once more.
  • Boil hard for 1 minute.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Skim off foam.
  • Ladle into hot jelly jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Apply lids and rings.
  • Process in hot water bath for 5 minutes.
  • Note: I used 1 gallon of cherries and had a little more than 3 1/2 cups juice. Of course, it also depends on the quality of the fruit.

Questions & Replies

  1. after 5 minute bath do I keep out room temp before fridge? Are these stored on shelf until use?
  2. I made this with tart cherry juice in a bottle. Instead of adding the 1 cup of water, could you add another cup of the juice? The jelly turned out well, a little loose, but still delicious.
  3. I have 3 1/2 cup juice after thawing 2 lbs cherries.Can I use this? Do I have to cook before and after adding pectin?
  4. Would pitting the cherries affect the final product?
  5. my jelly did not set ....I followed the recipe to a T. Sherry


  1. Added 8 dried red chili peppers finely chopped to the juice before stirring in the pectin. Had 4 cups of juice and it still gelled very well. The hot chili peppers gave it a real kick. Think it was just the right amount. Always wanted to try this with my sour cherries!
  2. I only got 5 jars of jelly. It was clumping fast as I filled the jars. I could have left it boiling past 1minute. Oops! To make the juice, I ended up using my hands to squish all those cherries when the potato masher took too long. The one gallon of cherries to 3 1/2 cups of juice was spot on!
  3. Thanks for this easy to make recipe. I used a 1/2 cup less sugar by mistake but still came out great. The little left over in the pan set up nicely so I am sure what's in the jars will to. Made exactly 7 jars.
  4. I have a steam juicer that I use, so much faster to get the cherries juiced and I don’t have to worry about cloudiness. This jelly is fantastic! My neighbour has a sour cherry tree and their kids love helping me pick cherries. I reward them, of course, with several jars of jelly.
  5. I used the tart cherry juice they have at Costco right now. It worked perfectly. :) My family loves this!



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