Caramel Macchiato

"If you've got an espresso/cappuccino machine you're well on your way to recreating a top-choice Starbucks coffee drink. For the caramel part, you can use any caramel sauce that you find in the grocery store near the ice cream toppings. Pick your favorite. Just note that to make this recipe work best you'll only need 3 tablespoons of a richer caramel sauce (like the stuff Starbucks uses), but more like 4 tablespoons of a lighter sauce (such as fat-free Smuckers). For the vanilla syrup you can use the bottled syrups, such as those made by Torani, or just whip up a your own clone from scratch. By the way, if you want to make this clone super accurate, pick up bottles of the authentic vanilla syrup and caramel sauce sold in Starbucks stores."
photo by Heather Sullivan photo by Heather Sullivan
photo by Heather Sullivan
Ready In:
16 oz




  • You can use vanilla syrup from a bottle for the drink or make your own vanilla syrup following this Top Secret Recipe: Simply combine 2 cups water and 1 1/2 cups sugar in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then add 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract.
  • Remove from heat and cool.
  • Store in a covered container.
  • To make your coffee drink, add two tablespoon of vanilla syrup to a 16-ounce glass.
  • Add 1/2 cup fresh brewed espresso followed by 8 ounces of steamed milk.
  • Add 3 to 4 tablespoons caramel sauce to the drink.
  • Stir before drinking.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I made this last night. It was AMAZING!!! I used the caramel recipe #69479 It was soooo good. Between the caramel and the vanilla syrup I made I will be able to have them for the rest of the week!! I can even share with others!!(maybe) Thanks for the recipe!
  2. A little extra work than simply pouring a cup of joe and adding creamer but enjoying it.
  3. Hello! My ex introduced me to this excellent drink at Starbucks several years ago and I LOVE it! I plan on purchasing an espresso machine soon so I need to ask how to make an UPSIDE-DOWN version, lol. This is what we always ordered: a Grande-upside-down-triple-Caramel Macchiato! Could someone explain how to make this please? Also, any suggestions on a good, fairly inexpensive espresso machine would be appreciated as well! Thanks! : )
  4. Delicious! I made this for my mom to "warm her up". We had the vanilla syrup from Starbucks and I used Smucker's Caramel syrup for the caramel part. I followed the former barista's method. Perfect!
  5. this is sooooooooo great!! the vanilla syrup is just perfect! thanks so much, now i can have my favorite coffe every day right at home!


  1. Just made this but I had to tweak the sweetness by adding more expresso. And I only added 1 Tbs of jarred caramel sauce


In Memory of Maxie, a beloved pet who we love and miss so very much. Our sweet Maxie was a black lab who wss put to sleep because of stomache cancer. 1997 - October 31, 2007 In Memory of Cheech, a beloved pet who we love and miss so much. March 1996 - July 9, 2005 In memory of Tanner, a beloved pet I love and miss you. July 15, 1999 - February 14, 2004 I live in Missouri, USA. I am a stay at home mom to 2 boys. Chance - January 1999 and Blake April 2005. My favorite cookbooks are: Kitchen Secrets by Reader's Digest, The Phillsbury Cookbook, Cambell's Favorite Recipes, Dinner On Hand by Kraft, The Complete Holiday Cookbook, Taste of Home Cookbooks, and a few family cookbooks. My favorite recipe sites are: Recipe_Center (, Classy Clones (,,,,,,,, and I have 3 pets. Oreo, male cat Drake, Yellow Koi (fish) Rocky, Turtle
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