Apple Pie In a Jar

"This is from the Rinn UMC cookbook from a dear lady my family knew well. She was a good scandinavian who loved to cook and feed people. I love this recipe and have a few jars in my pantry all the time. Great for last minute desserts!"
photo by dakota421 photo by dakota421
photo by dakota421
photo by MommaEllen photo by MommaEllen
photo by righttrack photo by righttrack
photo by MommaEllen photo by MommaEllen
Ready In:
7 quarts




  • Peel and slice apples.
  • Fill quart jars with apples leaving 1 inch head space.
  • Be sure to pack the apples in there, put a few in and smosh down with the handle of a wooden spoon, then a few more and repeat.
  • Make syrup by combining sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, and water.
  • Cook until thick.
  • Add lemon juice.
  • Pour syrup over apples in jar, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
  • Be sure to run your plastic spatula around the inside of the jar to get the air bubbles out.
  • Place the lids on and screw the rings down just finger tight.
  • Process 20 minutes in hot water bath.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This tastes wonderful. One BIG caution, the processing time may be wrong. This is a cold packed canning recipe. According to my Blue Book regular cold packed apples (put in jar cold with hot syrup poured over and then put into boiling water bath) are processed 30 minutes...10 minutes more than this recipe calls for. I made that one change and subbed 1 cup packed brown sugar for the white for flavor and it worked great. Packing is slow as it takes some time for the thick syrup to seep into the packed jars. I will make it again.
  2. Great recipe, I added cranberries for color and some times throw in a star of anise
  3. I love apple anything and the picture of these canned sold me! So here I am with 7 qts. of delicious filling to use in pies, as a side to pork, chicken etc, and to use just about any way I please. The flavor is awesome and I can't wait to make my first pie!
  4. This is getting 5 stars because I got FANTASTIC compliments and all I did was follow the recipe!! I do have a question.... How long will it keep in the bottles if unopened? Thanks!!
  5. Very easy, if a little messy without a funnel. I got exactly 7 quarts worth of apples and syrup, which was nice. Looking forward to making a pie with them now!


I live in a small town in western colorado and I love to cook. I have 2 children, one is grown and out of the house, the other is in High School. I love reading, birdwatching, growing pretty flowers, Pearl Jam and Colorado Rockies Baseball.
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