Three Milk Cake (Tres Leches)

"This cake is a delicious creamy cross between a cake and a pudding --- plan ahead the cake needs to be refrigerated overnight, prep time includes overnight refrigeration time, this is a wonderful cake!"
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Ready In:
24hrs 35mins




  • In a large mixing bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.
  • Gradually beat in sugar until soft peaks form.
  • Add yolks one at a time, beating until combined.
  • In another bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; add to egg mixture, alternately with water or skim milk.
  • Stir in extract.
  • Pour into a greased 13" x 9" baking pan.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes, or until cake tests done.
  • Cool on wire rack.
  • Poke holes all over cake with fork or thin straw.
  • Chill, covered in fridge overnight.
  • The following day: In a saucepan, combine condensed milk, cream, corn syrup and evaporated milk.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly; cook and stir 2 minutes.
  • Remove from heat; stir in vanilla.
  • Slowly pour over cold cake, letting milk absorb into cake.
  • Cover, and refrigerate.
  • FOR ICING: In a mixing bowl, beat cream until soft peaks form.
  • Gradually beat in sugar until stiff peaks form.
  • Stir in vanilla.
  • In a bowl, combine the sour cream, icing sugar and almond extract.
  • Fold in the whipping cream into the mixture.
  • Spread over topping.
  • Refrigerate until serving.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I made this for a farewell gathering and it was so popular there was absolutely none left at the end of the night. Despite the length of the instructions and the planning required, the recipe is not very time consuming at all. The most complicated techniques are separating the eggs and knowing when the egg whites are ready. The only changes I made were to use less of the topping; I had to skim off quite a bit, but didn't feel that the flavor or texture suffered at all. I would definitely make this cake again.
  2. I tried this recipe and another Tres Leches recipe at the same time. This came out too soupy for me. It was still a good cake but I was looking for one that is more presentable. I even poured out the extra milk but it still leaked out. I used coconut extract because I was scared to use the almond because of other reviews. My tasters and I chose the other cake I made since it is more like the Tres Leches we're used to (just the right amount of milk absorbed). For both being Tres Leches, they were totally different. We still ate this one because it was a different flavor to us, we just preferred the other one.
  3. This is a great cake and a great recipe. I omitted the Almond in the frosting as I thought it would be too much. Also I poured the milk mixture over the still warm cake. It turned out great. I brought this to a party and it was a huge hit. I'm actually about to make it again right now.
  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Was bringing this to a dinner party a friend of mine was hosting and thought oh this will be fun. Mid way through baking i realized how involved it really was and became very nervous. I baked the cake the night before as directed. Around 8am the next morning poured the milk mixture over it, leaving out the corn syrup. Around 4pm drained the excess milk, placed back in the fridge and started making the icing, I subbed brown sugar and left out the icing sugar all together. At about 5:30 I iced the cake, we served close to 8:30/9. When I arrived my hostess informed me this was her husbands favorite cake, I was very nervous since this was the first try. To my delight EVERYONE loved it. The husband had two pieces that night and I was told he had another the following morning for breakfast! I should also add, this is a traditional hispanic family, who KNOWS what this cake should taste like! Many thanks kittencal.
  5. i made this cake and it was delicious, particularly the interesting icing of whipped cream and sour cream! used only 3/4ths cup of sugar as my husband and i are trying to eat a "little" better and i did soak oatmeal in hot water for twenty minute (as in "lazy daizy cake) which totally absorbed all of the wonderful topping and made for a dense, chewy cake. also left out the corn syrup. it was pleny sweet, added some cinnamon (which raises metabolism and the oatmeal is fiber and slows absorption of sugar). even though i did these things, the cake was a wonderful - a harvest cake and my husband wants another one this weekend!


  1. I made this cake for an "Almost Cinqo de Mayo" party at my office today. While the taste was good, several of us felt the almond extract was overpowering, and I had cut it back to half of what the recipe calls for. Also, there was too much of the liquid topping and the cake was somewhat soupy. I may try this recipe again - substituting vanilla for the almond and using about 2/3 of the topping as the overall taste was good. Adding to this review later: The longer this cake stood, the better the texture got. I had stolen a piece to take home to DH, and it was much better 9 hours later. I put the topping on at 6:30 am after the cake was refrigerated overnight, then put the icing on at 9:30 to serve at noon. We ate the other piece at 10 pm, so I would recommend allowing plenty of time in the refrigerator. Still too much almond extract for me, though. I'm upping my rating to 4 from my original rating of 3.
  2. This is very yummy. I did make some changes. I sub. one cup of flour with whole wheat flour, used coconut milk instead of sweetened condensed milk and used light cream instead of heavy cream in the topping. For some reason the topping did not completely absorb into the cake, it stayed pretty thick on top so I did not make the frosting. The milk mixture was very much like a frosting itself.Don't know if it was one of the changes I had make that caused this or what. I think next time I will try pouring it over the cake when it is still warm. Thanks for this recipe, I had been looking for one since I had milk cake in a restaurant last year, but that restaurant was out of town and it has since closed.



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