Spiced Cran-Apple Cider

"Although most popular in the autumn of the year, I am blessed to live near orchards who offer frozen cider for sale year-long, so this can be a year round treat. If you can't find cider during the off-season, substitute apple juice instead! :)"
photo by PalatablePastime photo by PalatablePastime
photo by PalatablePastime
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  • Mix all ingredients together in a large pan.
  • Heat over medium-high heat until mixture comes to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and serve warm.

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  1. I made this for my Bunco group. Perfect blend of spices. Just a little tart which is what I like. I let this simmer on low in my crock-pot. Stayed nice and warm and we could serve ourselves. Thanks Sue L.
  2. I grew up on this stuff - it smells SO good while it's simmering. We made it in a coffee pot too and we called it Lava because of how hot it was after we'd been in the snow all day. I made this the other day but I add a little brown sugar to it.
  3. This is a recipe that I have been making for over 20 years. I love this stuff. The cranapple juice gives it just a touch of tartness so that it isn't too sweet. I always made it in a percolator coffee pot.
  4. This was so yummy for a non-alcoholic holiday drink! I used a big coffee server. I added some orage peels with cloves stuck in them and cinnamon sticks in the top of the coffee maker (where you would put the grounds) and the spicy aroma seeped into the drink as well as the room. It made enough for a big family. I will definitely be using this year after year - thanks for publishing!


I am a longtime member since 2002. While I have many recipes here, most of my current recipes are on my food blog at palatablepastime.com I may occasionally post something extra I have here. If you have questions, you can always contact me at contact@palatablepastime.com
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