Jerk Chicken

"From Gourmet, May, 2003. This gives the bbq, gas grill and roast method. The chicken is delicious."
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  • Discard stems, seeds, and ribs from 2 chiles and coarsely chop.
  • Coarsely chop remaining chile including seeds (for a less spicy dish, seed half of chile before chopping).
  • Blend chiles with remaining ingredients except chicken in a food processor until a paste forms.
  • Cut several 1-inch-long slits in each piece of chicken, then rub paste all over chicken, rubbing it into slits.
  • Marinate, covered and chilled, at least 2 hours or up to 1 day (longer is better for flavour).
  • To cook chicken on charcoal kettle grill: When charcoal turns grayish white (15 to 20 minutes from lighting) and you can hold your hand 5 inches about top rack for 3 to 4 seconds, grill chicken, skin sides down first, on portion of lightly oiled grill rack with no coals underneath, turning occasionally, until cooked through, 20 to 30 minutes.
  • To cook chicken using indirect heat on gas grill: Preheat all burners on high (until thermostat registers 500°F).
  • Turn off 1 burner and reduce heat on other burner (or burners) to medium.
  • (Thermostat should register 350 to 375°F.) Grill chicken, skin sides down first, on portion of lightly oiled grill rack over unlit burner, covered, turning occasionally, until cooked through, 20 to 30 minutes.
  • If you aren't able to grill, you can roast jerk chicken, skin sides up, in 2 large shallow flameproof baking pans (1 inch deep) in upper and lower thirds of a preheated 450°F oven, switching position of pans halfway through roasting, until cooked through, 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Then turn on broiler and broil chicken, about 4 inches from heat, until skin is browned and crisp, 2 to 3 minutes.

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  1. Excellent! I halved the recipe and used serrano peppers. I chose to marinate the chicken overnight. Since it's winter, I used the oven method -(thank you so much for posting alternate methods!) bake and broil. It still turned out fabulous! The flavor is amazing. I especiallly love the hint of cinnamon! This recipe will go into my best-of-the-best file. I can't wait to break out the grill!!
  2. Spicy and not exactly kid friendly...;) I used beautiful green onions from our CSA box. I also added only about 1/4 teaspoon thyme because we don't care for it but didn't omit to keep within the Caribbean theme of this leg of the Tour. Prepared in the oven with that final broil. Served with Recipe #369399 and Recipe #374151. Reviewed for ZWT 9.
  3. I made this for the WT3.Wonderful flavour;I used it on Pork chops and wasn't brave enough and counldn't find scotch bonnet peppers.But the peppers I did use made the dish a big hit chez nous. I rubbed the pork chops in the morning and grilled them for supper. I served them with slices of Grilled Pineapple; Thanks for posting. Rita
  4. Great flavor-- nice and spicy too ! I made this with skinless, boneless chicken breasts marinated for 24 hours, and oven roasted. Turned out perfectly in my opinion. Only thing I'll do differently next time is trying leaving all the pepper seeds in to see just how much hotter it is. Thanks for posting !


<style>body { background: url(""); background-repeat: repeat-y; }</style> OK, here goes. I live in Athens, Greece. I moved out here many, many years ago from Ottawa, Canada - so I am blessed in having two wonderful heritages! I suffer from compulsive obsessive behaviour with regard to food and my psychiatrist thought it would be a good idea to find a 'society' where many have the same problem and try to find a cure. So far, I've copied a couple of thousand recipes from this site and my psychiatrist has thrown the towel in and refuses to answer the phone when I call. What did I do wrong? Got 3 kids that keep me on the go - 10 and under at this point (2008) - I may not get round to updating this for a few years, so you'll have to do your own maths. I teach English full-time and Greek Cookery part-time. I would like to make the cooking part of it full-time and the English Grammar part of it part-time. That's all for now.
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