IHOP Pancakes- Copycat

"This recipe can be modified with whole wheat flour, fruit, or however you like your IHOP pancakes. Even make a Funny Face chocolat chip pancake for the kids"
photo by Nichole A. photo by Nichole A.
photo by Nichole A.
photo by Sydnaynay98 photo by Sydnaynay98
photo by limp biscuit photo by limp biscuit
photo by Bev I Am photo by Bev I Am
Ready In:




  • Preheat a skillet over medium heat.
  • Put all ingredients in a bowl and combine(mix) until smooth.
  • Pour the batter by spoonfuls into the hot pan, forming 5-inch circles.
  • When the edges appear to harden, flip the pancakes (they should be light brown.).

Questions & Replies

  1. We got them, we make them in a skillet and on an electric griddle. I am doing something wrong because the pancakes are blotchy and not golden brown. Suggestions?


  1. These pancakes are so incredibly easy to parepare and so very, very tasty!! I have never had IHOP pancakes, so I am unable to make the comparison, but these little rascals are quite delicious!! My attention was called to this recipe because it is made in the blender and I have never made pancake batter in a blender before, but it proved to work perfectly!! This recipe makes a thin pancake, which I personally enjoy. I served with real butter and real maple syrup for great breakfast!! Thank you for sharing this recipe!
  2. Wasnt' crazy about these at all. Way too thin. Need about twice that amount of flour. Flavor was nothing I want again. The boxed mix from Walmart is better than this,
  3. This is the worst pancake recipe I have ever made. Too thin and tasted like baking soda.
  4. Love, love, loooove this recipe. I used one cup of milk instead of one and one quarter cup of milk. I put crushed walnuts and one slice banana in the batter. The batter was so good that I kept licking the spoon. Perfect fluffy light pancakes. The pancakes were a big hit with my fiance'. Yummmy! I have booked marked this recipe; will use when the grandchildren come over. Chocolate chips pancakes, strawberry and blue berry pancakes. Yummmmmmmy! Thank you
  5. I make these almost every week! This recipe is the best ever!


  1. What a great recipe! I did modify it slightly (with the advice of other cooks) by adding a 1/4 c. flour and using buttermilk instead of milk (measurement stayed the same). I also cooked it on an electric griddle between 250 and 300 degrees so I didn't burn them. Patience, grasshopper, these pancakes were gobbled down by my entire family as I was pulling them off the griddle! :)
  2. I followed this recipe exactly, except that I used buttermilk in place of the milk. These were not good. They burned really easily as another reviewer said and just didn't taste a thing like IHOP pancakes.



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