Amy's Dill Pickle and Lettuce Hamburger " Slaw"

"Created this for a backyard cookout one night at Mom and Pop's house with the neighbors. I call it "slaw" because it's texture and consistency is like a slaw, but the ingredients are not. I am a total dill pickle freak, as my mother is not. I can drink the juice if left alone with the empty jar long enough. We were pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the taste. Just like with any slaw recipe, you will need to adjust the mayo (please use only mayo, it does make a difference!) to how "saucy" you like it. We like ours pretty saucy. Also, the amounts of the ingredients are at your own taste."
photo by Sharon123 photo by Sharon123
photo by Sharon123
Ready In:
1hr 10mins
2 1/2 cups (approximately)




  • Stir together the lettuce, onion, and pickles.
  • Add the mayonnaise to the desired consistency.
  • Cover and refrigerate at least one hour to let the flavors marry before serving.
  • NOTE: The key here is to get the lettuce fine enough it doesn't become something you're pulling off your burger at the first bite. Make sure it's fine, but not overly chopped.

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  1. I'm sorry I didn't review this years ago... I love it! Didn't change a thing. I, too, like my burgers 'messy' - and this 'slaw' is a favorite topping!!
  2. We used way less mayo (1/3 cup) and it was just right on a burger!
  3. Wow...this is the best!!! My three favorite hamburger toppings all in one place. I made this with Auntie Jan's Doozie of a Floozie Burger, (#231245 ) it came out very tasty. Used vidalia onions, dill pickles and packaged lettuce 'shreds". They made this super easy and super fast. Hubby and son loved it. I think most of the future burgers in this house will have this on them. Thanks for posting this recipe.
  4. I loved this. I could eat it all by itself, but it is great on burgers.
  5. Loved this "slaw" served on the Recipe #231245. I will be making it again.


If you have happened to stop on this page because you were viewing one of Amy’s (Redneck Epicurean’s) recipes or browsing through members and liked her name, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce to you the most amazing woman I have had the honor of calling “friend.” Amy was a breath of fresh air that poured sunshine onto all around her. Her smile was evident in every forum post as well in her wonderful descriptions of recipes. Amy touched the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of members here at Zaar and her love was felt worldwide. Her “message” was a simple one, live life to the fullest, stay positive, love your loved ones each day, and don’t sweat the small stuff. In fact, Amy was so positive and outgoing that a lot of members did not even realize the seriousness of her illness. The day Amy passed away was one of the saddest moments here in the Zaar community. Tears all over the world were shed on that day. Unable to attend the funeral and show our love, members sent single red roses tagged with their Zaar name and country along with a single white rose to represent Amy, our beloved Redneck Epicurean. The outpouring of love from her Zaar family was overwhelming and brought much comfort to her family. This truly is a remarkable place! Luckily, we have Amy’s page to remind us of how special she was. I hope you take a moment or two to read her page and browse through her wonderful recipes, and pick a few to make (she loved reviews!) If you have a question you need answered about one of the recipes, please feel free to ask in the community. NcMysteryShopper May 14, 2007: Our community lost a well-loved friend yesterday when Amy passed away. We are all shocked and saddened to lose Amy, and there are several threads for expressing your condolences. Kathy at Recipezaar ******************************************* Hi Y'all! My name is Amy and I have totally moved in to Recipezaar. It is now my home away from the hospital and I love it. I have become friends with so many great people here, it has been a blessing. It was amazing to me to know that a little bug like me can make such an impact while being disabled. I'm a diabetic who refuses to let health problems get me down. I'm 27, single, and live in a rural area. I am a born-again Christian, a Baptist by denomination, and a great cook by the Grace of God. I come from a long line of cooks on both sides of the family. Granny was a lunch lady and Mamaw came from a poor family where food was "country" because they raised a garden and their own animals. Mom was a stay-at-home and she raised me and Chris (my DS) to cook so we could catch ourselves a man; neither of us are married at the present time. (If you have a son who is aged between 23-30, please send picture resume to my email address if he is looking for a wife who excels at domestics. j/k) I love to cook, collect recipes, cookbooks, apple stuff for my kitchen, and Cinderella stuff. I enjoy throwing dinner parties, cooking for Pop and Mom and sometimes Chris, scrapbooking (my second favorite hobby, only to food), and making new friends. I love to hear from people everywhere. There is so much to learn from everything here at Zaar. I love the new design and think the elves do a great job. My dream job is opening my own restaurant, followed by working for Zaar, which I hear is an experience all in itself. Lots of hard work and lots of wonderful rewards. My favorite chef of all times is Paula Deen and if I had upon gunpoint to choose another mother, it might be her. BUT I am in love with her son Bobby (the single one) and would love to just snatch him up and become the next DEEN daughter-in-law. A little bit more about my faith...I am a born again Christian. I go to a small country church where the majority of us are family and my family cemetery is on the property. We have "eatin' meetin's" every fifth Sunday, holidays, and every other chance we can get. Sometimes it's full meals and sometimes it's soup and sandwiches. Most of the ladies at my church are good cooks. Everyone knows I've had gourmet training and really expect if I bring something for it to be good, especially since my mom is a great cook too. (See her chocolate pie recipe in my cookbook.) When the Christians all gather in heaven for the Feast that will never end (and let me just say, if you know my situation, you know I have terrible problems with the intestines) I will not have tummy problems, I will eat like there is no tomorrow, and I will be the one adding cinammon to the milk and honey because Jesus knows I love it! If you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior or have more questions about God, Salvation, getting into heaven...just zmail or email me. I'll be glad to share my testimony and what I know. God has blessed my life so much with things that my cup overflows. I am not one of those people that God is all they talk about, but He and my faith are such an important part of my life, I cannot help but share it. Jill is growing up so fast. She‘s gotten big enough to hop up on the kitchen counters which automatically grants her a spanking with a newspaper. Her favorite things now are boxing with her Poppi (my dad), following Granny anywhere and everywhere she goes, and sneaking under the covers and lying next to me so I can‘t roll over. She‘s getting so big!<img src=""> Since my college degree was Home Economics Education with a concentration on cooking, I tend to rate recipes somewhat like a teacher. A recipe that was ultra easy to prepare, delicious, and I ate until I was sick and would feed to anyone will earn you 5 stars. If something was missing, cooking time was off quite a bit, amounts of ingredients were off...just a little something will get you 4 stars. So on and so forth. My likes/dislikes, pet peeves, etc: Hot food that’s cold, cold food that’s hot. Also, I’ve read several “reviews” by people here who are totally critical to the negative that give the impression that they feel they are the all-knowing authority on the subject. Chances are, they do not know everything about whatever it is they are talking about and their comments make me feel like giving them a swift kick in the hind end. I guess I just feel if you have some kind of positive advice or if are giving negative reviews that have a valid justification, that’s cool. But if you’re just ripping someone to shreds, you’re rude and hateful and I don’t like that. My favorite recipes tend to be those "family-style" things like comfort food. Of course, I love to try new and different things, but must be VERY careful due to the intestines problem. <img src=""> COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, MEN. SOME THINGS ARE JUST BETTER RICH! <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> MY ZAAR GAMES & AWARDS <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="">
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