Turkey Devonshire a La Quick & Easy

"This is a good dish for bought lowcarbers and their families. It's basically individual casseroles of open-faced turkey sandwich with a white sauce. Source: Post-Gazette"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:




  • NOTE:

  • Enough turkey to cover the bread (we used deli turkey, sliced 1/4-inch thick)
  • Toast bread.
  • Heat turkey and bacon in the microwave.
  • White Sauce:

  • In a small, stainless steel sauce pan, melt butter or margarine over low heat.
  • Whisk in flour.
  • Add milk all at once.
  • Increase heat to medium and continue whisking.
  • Heat until mixture is bubbling.
  • Cook one minute longer, whisking continuously.
  • Whisk in cheese. Stir until melted.
  • Add pepper to taste.
  • Preparing the sauce ahead of time is not recommended.
  • Plating:

  • Prepare four serving dishes by placing a potato and a serving of broccoli, or your choice of sides, on each.
  • Place one piece of toast on each plate.
  • Top with two slices bacon, then cover with turkey.
  • Pour equal portions of sauce over each. Serve any extra sauce on the side.
  • Variation:

  • Place in four small casserole dishes, prepare the Devonshire as above.
  • Place under the broiler for two minutes or until the sauce is browned on top.
  • Serve the sides on separate small plates.
  • Warn your guests these dishes are HOT!
  • Hints: Using precooked turkey and bacon saves time.
  • Shred cheese or buy shredded.
  • Turkey can be cooked in the microwave, leftover, or bought in the deli.
  • If you choose deli turkey, be sure to get it cut about 1/4-inch thick.
  • If pre-packaged, use at least three slices per serving.
  • Bacon can be microwaved or fried.

Questions & Replies

  1. Can you microwave leftover turkey devonshire


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<p>Click to feed animals I'm a retired teacher now living in&nbsp;the Jamaica Plain area of Boston. I have one daughter, 2 granddaughters, and 1 great-grandson(17 yo Dec '11)! I've travelled a bit throughout Europe and the U.S. as well as Honduras and Costa Rica. I think I may have some gypsy ancestors! I love to travel but am not able to anymore. So I do a LOT of reading instead. My current craft passion is knittng but I have dabbled in just about everything. I've done leaded glass work(stained glass), which I love; am working on counted cross stitch; and am willing to try any craft, at least once! I've also worked for a major insurance company as a case analyst. I have 2 cats, Teddy BB 11 .o. on the 19th of Feb, and CiCi who will be 5 years old on Mar 6th. src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/orn.jpg&gt;</p>
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