The Born Again Croissant

"What to do with stale croissants? This trick will transform them into a wonderful brunch. Fresh croissants will be too soft and soggy. It's worth leaving some to go stale just to enjoy these Almond Croissants."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
1hr 10mins
8 croissants




  • Preaheat oven to 160c (325f)
  • Over a medium heat dissolve the sugar in the water, stirring constantly, bring to the boil, then let it cool.
  • Halve croissants lengthways and dunk them briefly in the syrup, then drain on a wire rack placed over a tray or some baking paper.
  • Mix milk & semolina together in a small saucepan and stir constantly over low heat until it boils & thickens. Cook for a couple of minutes longer, stirring, then remove from heat and cool.
  • Cream the butter and caster sugar until smooth, add the egg and beat again.
  • Mix in the ground almonds and vanilla, then add the cooked semolina and mix well.
  • Sandwich the croissant halves together with no more than a tablespoon of the almond mixture.
  • Spread a little more almond mixture on top and sprinkle with the flaked almonds.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and crisp on top.
  • Serve warm.

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My fiance & I have lived in Melbourne all our lives and we love it, it's so diverse & exciting. We went on a world trip in '04-'05 including the US, UK, France, Italy, Malta, Germany, The Netherlands, Egypt, India & Japan. It was awesome, but great to get home & relax too. :) The link on this page will take you to my YouTube channel which has slide-show videos of my pics, featuring some amazing street art around Melbourne. I think it's rude to leave 1 star ratings! To me it's like eating someones cooking then saying "ERGH!" to their face!! :D So we don't give 1 star ratings. If we really don't like something, then it's no stars & a description of why it didn't live up to our expectations, or we may just remove the recipe from our cookbook & leave it at that. We like cross-promoting recipes in our reviews, to share combinations that work, recipes that inspire & methods people may not have thought of. We can't help but put something of ourselves into each recipe we try <img src=> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">
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