Salsa for Canning

"I got this from a coworker in Idaho, Karen Skeen. We have been making this for about 16 years. Over the last couple of years, it has been a joint project of my DH and mine. We prepare all the ingredients for 3 batches on Friday night. On Saturday we cook and can 2 batches, then finish up with 1 the last batch on Sunday."
photo by Chabear01 photo by Chabear01
photo by Chabear01
Ready In:
6-7 pint jars




  • Dip tomatoes in hot water for 20 seconds then in ice cold water. Peel off skins. Cut into about 8 pcs. We then fill a quart jar full of tomatoes like for canning and then dump into large pan. We prepare 4 quarts worth for each batch.
  • Chop up all veges except tomatoes in a food processor and put into large pan with tomatoes.
  • Add the vinegar, brown sugar, and salt.
  • Simmer over low heat for 3-4 hours until reach desired consistency.
  • Stir often to keep from sticking and burning to bottom of pan.
  • Can in pint sized jars by water bath method. Check your current canning instructions for length of time in water bath.

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  1. I was about to comment on this recipe...and realized I never reviewed it! Last summer DH and I made 4 batches of Salsa we loved it! I cleaned all the veggies and tossed them in a high oven to char a bit before putting them in the food processor (most all the skin was removed). Delicious! Thank you for posting!!
  2. Quick question,, How many tomatoes will equal 4 quarts? Or how many lbs will equal 4 quarts? Just wondering before I start and dont have enough tomatoes to make it.
  3. Made this up last night it made up 6 pints with half a pint left over which I chilled and served at lunch today to some company. The raves were ear splitting, and a pint was opened to take care of the requests for more. Needless to say, this is a keeper. I did seed the peppers, and added an extra two cloves of garlic. The next batch I make I will be adding a bit of cilantro since I believe it will be a good addition. Thank You for a wonderful recipe Lavender.



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