Proper British Roast Potatoes

"A true British classic handed down from generation to generation, the backbone of Sunday Lunch all over the UK. Can be served with traditional roast meat. It is worth experimenting with the shapes of the potato, e.g. balls, squares, even hedgehogs!"
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
photo by kiwidutch
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
Ready In:


  • 1 - 1 12 lb king edward potato
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 100 g lard (or vegetable oil)
  • 2 liters water


  • Preheat oven to 220°C (430°F).
  • Place lard or oil in roasting tin and put in middle rack of oven.
  • Boil Kettle.
  • Peel potatoes.
  • Chop into quarters (approx 4 cm cubes).
  • Par Boil potatoes for 10 minutes with salt.
  • Drain potatoes in a colander.
  • Shake potatoes until edges are furry (approx 15 seconds).
  • Remove roasting tin from oven.
  • Carefully place potatoes into hot fat of roasting tin; WARNING, This step is requires caution as fat is at 220°C.
  • Place roasting tin, with potatoes back in the oven and cook for 35-45 minutes depending on the size of your potato pieces.
  • After 20 minutes turn the potatoes so browning occurs on a different side.
  • Potatoes should be crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Try them cooked in Goose Fat....or Beef Dripping, awesome. Also Maris Pipers make great roasties too.
  2. I've never even heard of Kind Edwards before this, so I used yellow flesh instead. Did them up last minute to go with a pot roast, and they turned out absolutely beautiful. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, as advertised, and even when they'd been sitting in gravy on my plate for a bit, they lost their crispiness but still had a great texture. And best at all, they cook at a nice, high temperature, so we can cook yorkshire puddings at the same time! There were no leftovers, and my wife and I have a new favourite roast potato recipe. Thanks for sharing it!
  3. Lovely potatoes, I didn't have King Edwards and trying to find the perfect roasting potato in the Netherlands seems more difficult a process than I first thought, as they are more a nation of stovetop cooks and most spuds are more suited to stovetop preperation. Still, these did reasonably well and with guests we didn't have too much problem to clean the pan.. no leftovers. I used a small amount of shortening I had left over and wow it was hot when these went in ! Sadly I also have an old and tempremental oven so had to juggle the cooking time a bit. Please see my rating system: 4 stars for a great recipe that brings me a step closer to the perfect roast potato.. all I need is a slightly better variety of potato and I'm there :) Thanks!
  4. Very yummy. Wonderfull with a bit of gravy.Male sure you par-biol the potatoes first otherwise they will not be fluffy on the inside.Tip I usually add some of the drippings from the meat(turkey, beef,pork) and some garlic powder before putting the potatoes in the oven.A bit of butter is good too.



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