Old Fashioned Chocolate Cream Pie

"This recipe was given to me by a neighbor when I was a young bride 47 years ago. I have passed it on to my daughter-in-law, and it is a favorite of her five brothers and sister. Warning: The filling is very rich, almost gooey--that's what makes it so good. You can mix the filling ingredients in the standard way for cream pies and cook them over low heat, stirring constantly as I did until microwaves were invented. Now, I prefer to cook mine in the microwave.(I do not have lumps in microwaved cream pies as I sometimes do when I use the standard cooking method)."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 pie


  • Filling

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 cups milk
  • 12 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 egg yolks (beaten)
  • 14 cup butter (or 2 Tbs works)
  • 1 cooked pastry shells
  • Meringue

  • 3 egg whites (reserved above)
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  • Whisk dry ingredients with milk in a large glass heat-proof bowl and cook on high in the microwave.
  • Whisk every 3 or 4 minutes.
  • Separate eggs and beat egg yolks in a medium bowl while the liquid cooks.
  • When the liquid begins to thicken, wisk ladle-fulls of the hot liquid into the beaten egg yolks.
  • Strain the egg mixture back into the microwave bowl, whisking again to keep it smooth.
  • Continue to microwave until the filling begins to look sort of "cakey" around the edges.
  • Whisk to return it to the creamy texture.
  • After cooking it this way once, you will become accustomed to consistency and appearance at certain stages.
  • When the pie filling is quite thick, remove it from the microwave and add butter and vanilla.
  • Pour into the baked pie crust and cover with meringue.
  • Prepare meringue while the filling cools: Beat egg whites until "peak" stage.
  • Add sugar gradually, beating constantly.
  • Add vanilla.
  • Spread meringue on pie and bake in a 400° oven 8 to 10 minutes until the meringue has toasty peaks.

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  1. i made this pie tonight... it was a little tough for me to make but it came out tasting very good. the filling was a little runny but i think i could have cooked it a little longer. some clarification on the cook time would make this recipe easier to use. also, it didn't seem to be "creamy" at all, but maybe that's because my meringue didn't come out too thick. but it was a good find nonetheless! made for the bargain basement tag game.



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