Norwegian Pancakes

"These sweet crepe-like pancakes get rolled up into mini jelly roll shapes and are a real hit with children. I serve these often to overnight guests - especially during holiday gatherings. You may use whatever jelly you prefer, we like raspberry or blackberry with seeds the best. The cook time is an approximation of how long I personally take to cook all of the batter - it only takes a few minutes for each crepe."
photo by HeatherFeather photo by HeatherFeather
photo by HeatherFeather
photo by MarraMamba photo by MarraMamba
Ready In:
18 rolled pancakes




  • Whisk together well the sugar, eggs, salt, milk, and flour in a large bowl until there are almost no lumps.
  • Heat a medium-sized nonstick skillet or a crepe pan (sprayed first with nonstick spray) to medium-low.
  • Pour a THIN layer of batter into the skillet, about 1/4 cup or so- it should be just enough batter to coat the bottom of your pan.
  • Swirl the pan to coat pan evenly with the batter.
  • Carefully but quickly flip the pancake as soon it looks like it has started to very lightly brown and has begun to bubble.
  • Once flipped, the second side only takes a few more seconds to cook- remove quickly to a plate.
  • Immediately spread pancake with a small amount of butter and about 1/2 tsp of jelly or to taste (do not overfill with either or it will get soggy and too sweet).
  • Roll up into a tube, jelly-roll style and serve.
  • Repeat with remaining batter.
  • Note: If possible, assign a helper to spread the butter& jam onto the cooked pancakes as they come out of the pan.
  • You may need to re-whisk the batter between each pancake as it may settle.
  • Also, I sometimes need to add a fresh spray of nonstick spray to the pan between pancakes.

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  1. I was raised in a Norwegian family and this recipe is pretty good, except we add Cardamom for an added authentic flavoring.
  2. These came out perfect, my husband made them because he's the big crepe maker around here. He used butter, not the spray. We used different kinds of gourmet jellies that we use just for crepes. Great recipe. The directions were outstanding too! This one is printed and in the cookbook.
  3. I have been making these for many years and we love them with butter and maple syrup. I add about a teaspoon of vanilla and have used soy or rice milk with excellent results(I sometimes add a splash of cream; maybe more than a splash!) I store leftovers in the fridge and just reheat in the microwave. I have also made the batter ahead and let it sit in the fridge overnight.
  4. Had these pancakes for lunch today (I quartered the recipe to make it just for me, got 5 pancakes) and thought they were outstanding; fabulous taste. I am one-quarter Norwegian and while I don't remember my Canadian grandmother making these for my Norwegian grandfather (but she did make regular pancakes a lot, a favourite with him), I do remember enjoying something very similar when we drove from Vancouver down to Tacoma WA to visit his relatives. I had some with bitter orange marmalade, and some just how my grandfather would have had them, sprinkled with brown sugar. Yum! The batter was VERY easy to work with--easier than the last crepe batter I fussed with--and I will use this recipe the next time I'm making dessert crepes. I also appreciate that you don't have to let this batter sit, but can use it right off. Now, don't laugh (or grimace), but I found it easier to flip these by using my fingers; I just grabbed the edge, lifted, and flipped. I used the spray and had absolutely no sticking problems. Heather, thanks for posting this; it's a keeper for me.
  5. They look like my mom's recipe, but it's a little different. After putting transferring the pancake to the plate, she'd rub butter all over it, and then sprinkle with either granulated or brown sugar and then roll up. We'd eat it just like that. Delicious!



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