Mushroom Barley Soup (Slow Cooker)

"One beef I have with crock pot recipes is sometimes the size of the crock pot isn't included with the recipe. I have an 7 qt. Kitchen Aide Crock Pot, so most recipes will fit into it. With this recipe, I noticed I only filled the crock with these ingredients to the 4 quart line. I got this recipe out of the Simple Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook. I noticed that the finished soup needed salt, but I don't add salt to my soups. I leave that up to the discretion of the person eating the soup. I used herbs from my garden that I grew and dried last fall. I used white button mushrooms in this soup. I sprinkled a little Romano cheese on top of my bowl of soup, which isn't vegan, but it surely tasted good and added a little extra flavour. I doubled the recipe because we love our soup!"
photo by yogiclarebear photo by yogiclarebear
photo by yogiclarebear
photo by Chef Joey Z. photo by Chef Joey Z.
Ready In:
6hrs 15mins
6-8 cups




  • Add the soup stock to your slow cooker and turn it on. If you're cooking this on low, 6 to 8 hours is perfect.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and set the crock and let it cook.
  • I always check the soup about 1/2 way through cooking as I've found at times the soups is done sooner then the time stated.
  • Bon Appetit.

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  1. Overall, not a big hit for the family. The younger kids hated it and the older kids and adults rated it only slightly better. I'm the leaset finicky in the family, and thought it was an OK low fat dish. My wife did not like the spice combination. Nonetheless, the recipe worked as advertised and the preparation was very easy.
  2. Delicious and SO easy! I used 10 oz mushrooms, and 1/3 cup of barley. I also used only 1 tablespoon of reduced-fat margarine, to cut out some fat and cals. This was so wonderful with tuna melts for supper. DH added parmesan cheese.


<img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> I was born in northern Ontario in Canada. I am of Irish /Spanish/French Canadian descent. In 2002, myself, my hubby Stu, and our dog Ginger moved to the high desert of New Mexico. I am a Domestic Engineer and a Professional Artist. I enjoy oldies, classical and jazz music. My hubby is a Professional Jazz and Classical Musician. He plays with the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra which is wonderful because I get to see all his concerts and they are free! We are trying our best to live a Green and Sustainable lifestyle which is no easy feat in a desert. I love any cookbook that promotes good health and tasty meals. I enjoy pasta dishes and sweet vegan deserts. I have found that I am very successful in converting conventional recipes to vegan. This has allowed me to enjoy all types of foods that I other wise could not. Some day we would like to relocate to upstate New York and be closer to my family in Canada and my husbands in New York. My DH retires in 9 years, so nothing will stop us from heading home then :-)
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