Marmalade Scones

"I adapted this recipe from my "delicious tea scones" one, after making 3 jars of marmalade which failed to set! It was a great way to use up all that marmalade syrup, in a way which didn't end in the garbage bin. Although I haven't tried it, I am sure any good marmalade would do the trick in the place of "liquid marmalade.""
photo by ccollins310 photo by ccollins310
photo by ccollins310
Ready In:
12 scones




  • Combine the sugar, salt, baking powder, and flour. I usually do 2/3 white, and 1/3 wholewheat flour for a slightly grainy look.
  • Add the butter with your hands, until the mixture looks crumbly.
  • In a smaller separate bowl, blend the eggs and milk, then add these to the above, not mixing thoroughly.
  • Now, measure out 1/4 cup marmalade (or less) and gradually add the full amount of marmalade until a satisfactory taste level is reached. I usually do the full 1/2 cup, but do as you please- not everyone likes marmalade as much as I do!
  • Roll into a flat-ish disc about 1 1/2" thick. Cut into 12 triangles/square shapes. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for an easy cleanup.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes at 425F until golden brown. For an elegant look, bake for the last 3-5 minutes with brown sugar sprinkled on top.
  • Finally, enjoy! These are best when served hot.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Love this recipe, I made marmalade and it did not firm up enough so this recipe is awesome, nice suggestions to use a cup of whole wheat also. My son likes a little glaze so I used confectioners sugar, some marmalade and milk and spread on top.
  2. Absolutely delicious. I'm thinking this would be a good recipe to try other jams, since sometimes I have a bit of this and a bit of that leftover in the back of the fridge. I divided the dough into 2 pieces, patted each out to a circle and cut into 6 wedges.


I live on the west coast of Canada and love it here. I am an avid baker and cook, nature-lover, photographer-by-hobby, reader, runner.. yes, life is good. I love cooking pizza from scratch, concocting flavored sorbets, and baking cookies and cake. I am sort-of-known for my cake-baking skills: I've made them for my friends' surprise birthday parties, and for family members. I also made an E=MC2 shaped chocolate cake for physics class once. I love baking a cake based on the person's personality- cheese cake, coconut-peach cake, fruit and chocolate cake... it's fun. Anyway, that's a bit about me.
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