Chipped Beef on Toast

"My mom made this when I was growing up. It's a very simple dish, filling and easy to make. It's good over toast, or for something more healthy, serve over steamed green beans."
photo by Marg (CaymanDesigns) photo by Marg (CaymanDesigns)
photo by Marg (CaymanDesigns)
photo by Marg (CaymanDesigns) photo by Marg (CaymanDesigns)
Ready In:




  • Cut beef into ribbons or pieces.
  • Melt butter in pan on medium heat.
  • Mix in flour and pepper with a whisk or fork.
  • SLOWLY add milk, mixing constantly.
  • Bring to simmer and add beef.
  • Simmer for five minutes.
  • Serve over toast.

Questions & Replies

  1. does anyone know how Horn & Hardarts made there chipped beef with that brown color & flavor. they're recipe is lost.
  2. When making creamed chipped beef can I use light cream instead of milk
  3. My mother served this on toast or mashed potatoes. She also added some peas.
  4. What is the best chipped beef to buy for this?
  5. We’re do I buy and what do I buy to make this


  1. When my mom got divorced we had to save more money , my mom was now single as we were young kids. This is the yummiest dinner she ever made and a low cost recipie for single moms out there!
  2. This Is a good recipe the trick to good chipped beef is use a high grade of smoked dry beef the harder it Is smoked the better you need that salt taste and I find that whole milk will change the taste also yes it Is not the best meal for the heart thats for sure! Its not something you should eat every week . If you are running your dry beef under water before you cook it dont even bother making this recipe this will change the taste. ..Thanks for sharing your great recipe!
  3. I have made this many times,my mother made it,it was called something different when we grew up..S on A Shingle. LOL! My dad was military and he was the one who first made it, mom made a better white sauce than our dad. It is great with day old bread toasted and fresh green peas or green beans or a salad.
  4. This was my favorite meal growing up. Reminds me of my mother. My mother added velveta cheese to this recipe.
  5. Needs more like 6 ounces of meat, and LOTS of black pepper. And, I added granulated garlic after t cooked because this sauce needed some ooomph! The way the recipe is, IMO, is "OK".... definitely not worth 5 stars. People give out 5 stars way too easily. Quite edible.... 3 stars..... maybe would have gone 3.5 if it was an option.


  1. I honestly don't think anything needs to be changed, its all a matter of preference. This isn't a fancy meal,just pure comfort.
  2. More meat flavor and bulk in the gravy. It looks better too.
  3. Added MUCH more chipped beef. Quadrupled it, and still probably could have added more and still improved the final outcome.
  4. Made this this morning, followed the recipe exactly only put this over Grands Biscuits instead of toast. Very easy, very good, really hit the spot. I crave this sometimes, so I'll use this recipe again. Yum!
  5. I was looking for something to make for dinner last night with my almost bare fridge and saw this picture... :) I had ham instead of beef, but it was still quite tasty! I only had a couple tablespoons of butter, so I added a bit of parmesan cheese to thicken it up a bit more. It was so tasty on toast--I never would have thought of doing that. Anyway, the whole family loved it.. thanks for posting! (My 4 year old told me an hour after dinner that he wanted to have a friend over the next day to eat it again since he liked it so much. :))



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