Butterfly Garden's Baked French Toast

""From Debra Richardson, who owns and operates The Yellow Carriage House Bed and Breakfast in Shelbyville, Ky. This would be excellent with some toasted pecans or orange zest sprinkled between the layers of bread!" Posted in the Courier Journal Wednesday, Oct 3rd, 2008"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
16 slices




  • Spray a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with vegetable oil.
  • Melt the butter over medium heat, and stir in the corn syrup and brown sugar.
  • Mix well by hand, and pour into greased dish.
  • Layer the bread slices on top of the brown sugar, double stacking them.
  • Sprinkle pecans over the first layer of bread, if using.
  • Whisk beaten eggs and cream together by hand, and pour over bread slices.
  • Cover dish, and let sit overnight in the refrigerator.
  • The next morning, bake uncovered for about 40 minutes at 350 degrees, or until tops of bread are browning.
  • Cut slices diagonally and arrange on serving platter.
  • Drizzle syrup in the pan over French toast, as well as honey and cinnamon if desired.
  • Servec with fresh berries and freshly sweetened whipped cream.
  • Serves 6 as a main dish, 8-10 as a side dish.

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<p><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/adoptedspring08.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br /> I can't believe it's been a few years already since I joined Recipezaar. It has become a daily staple for me. I never make a meal without first consulting Recipezaar! It is my cooking/baking lifeline! I also just joined as a Premium Member, and looking forward to the extra benefits and meeting other ZaarMembers, now that I can use Zmail! <br /><br />I am also a LOVER of CHOCOLATE!! It's a vegetable, you know...it is! It's a bean! :) <br /><br />Along that note, I recently lost my source of income and direct sales was not on my radar whatsoever, but a friend introduced me to Dove Chocolate Discoveries, you know the Dove Chocolate company... What better way to make money and have fun than doing CHOCOLATE TASTING PARTIES?! Now I have a full calendar and making great money! All because of chocolate. I love what I do :) <br /><br />I also LOVE love love to sing, and help others acheive their dreams in the Performing Arts Industry, actors, singers, models, bands... I've helped many people you'd recognize receive representation and launch careers on tv, film, with record labels and in the modeling industry! Check out my website <a href=http://www.bestnewtalentawards.com>www.bestnewtalentawards.com</a>!</p>
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