Breakfast Hash Brown Quiche

"This is a recipe by Julie Badger Jensen that I love, but have tweaked just a bit to my family's liking... It's been one of our favorite breakfast dishes!"
photo by Tinkerbell photo by Tinkerbell
photo by Tinkerbell
Ready In:
1hr 20mins
1 9x13 casserole




  • Preheat oven to 350*. Break up chunks of hashbrowns and place in a 9" x 13" casserole dish. Spray top of hashbrowns with cooking spray. Bake for 20 minutes. While hashbrowns are baking, prepare ham and cheese. In a separate bowl, add eggs, cream, milk, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Use an electric mixer and beat for 1 minute. When hashbrowns are done, sprinkle ham evenly on top of hashbrowns, then sprinkle cheese evenly on top of the ham. Pour egg mixture all over and put back in oven for 25 minutes. Pull casserole out and put aluminum foil loosely over top so that it doesn't brown too much. Put back in oven for an additional 15 minutes. Let set for 15 minutes and serve.

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  1. I cut this recipe in half and it turnedout perfect...I like to keep a breakfast casserole in the refrigerator for by DB to grab a piece, nuke and eat before work....
  2. Excellent and was very much enjoyed this morning. It went together very easy. I made half and it baked up in the first 25 minutes. I can see endless possibilities with this recipe. Thanks for sharing. Made for PAC Spring 2010
  3. This was a HUGE HIT! DH does not like pie crust, in anything, but we all love pies and quiche (he just doesn't eat the crusts.); so when I saw this recipe using hash browns I knew my boys were going to like it. I made just as directed except I halved the recipe & put it into a 6x9 baking dish. The hash browns really make this dish unique. I had some leftover flame crafted, caramelized ham and it added a subtle sweetness to the dish. I was worried about the minimal seasonings but they worked perfectly. In the future, throwing in some red or green bell pepper or some green chilies for added color might be fun too. We'll be making this many times. Thanks for sharing it, Sweet Chef Shelly! Made & enjoyed for Spring 2010 Pick A Chef. You've been adopted! :)


I live in a small town in Southern Utah and I love it here... my 12 & 15 year old kids don't, but it's so quiet and pretty! I'm a stay-at-home mom but I'm always busy cleaning, helping my husband with our construction company, keeping up with kid's activities, and preparing meals. My favorite cookbooks are the ones I've gotten from local small town cookbooks... there's so many good recipes! I love to decorate, hike, sew, embroider, work-out, (once I actually get into it!) and hang-out with my hubby. My pet peeves are sweaty people touching me, not turning off lights when you leave a room, money stress, redneck jokes, and Gretchen Wilson songs. ;p My most loved dish is my Christmas honey butter & scones and my favorite restaurant is Olive Garden.
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