Bourbon Mango Pulled Pork for the Slow Cooker

"This is delicious served on a nice sandwich roll. It's sweet, spicy and smoky all the same time. This was extremely popular when made for a Potluck dinner. Everyone wanted the recipe which I received from the butcher at my local grocery store. Enjoy! *Please note that canned chipotles can be used rather than the powder. Use carefully as these peppers are known to be extremely spicy."
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Ready In:
8hrs 10mins




  • Peel mangoes and remove pits. Place pits into a slow cooker, roughly chop the mango and set aside.
  • Place the pork shoulder in the slow cooker and season with salt and pepper and chipotle powder. Pour in balsamic vinegar and water.
  • Cover and cook on low 5-8 hours until the meat is very tender.
  • When done, drain the pork, discard the cooking liquid and pits and shred with two forks.
  • Sauce: Puree the chopped mango in a blender until smooth, then pour into a saucepan along with the honey, 1 tsp chipotle powder and bourbon. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring frequently until the mango has reduced and darkened slightly, about 10 minutes.
  • Stir in the barbecue sauce and remove from the heat.
  • Return the shredded pork to the slow cooker and stir in the mango barbecue sauce, covering and cooking on high for 1-2 hours until the pork absorbs the barbecue sauce.

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  1. Made this today and WOW! First time making pulled pork. Added a shot glass worth of bourbon to the slow cooker with the other ingredients. Cooked on high for 2 hours and low for 3 hours because I was short on time. Meat was falling apart when I took it out of the crockpot. The bbq sauce totally makes it. This will be the only recipe I use for pulled pork.
  2. I substituted a can of peaches for the mangoes (because that's what we had) and added a bit of garlic - this was superb!
  3. This is my family's favorite pulled pork recipe. Simple and delicious.


  1. I substituted a can of peaches for the mangoes (because that's what we had) and added a bit of garlic - this was superb!


<p><img src= alt= /> <br />&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I've made some of my closest friends because of cooking and food, including Zaar member - NCMysteryshopper - who, I am proud to say, has asked me to do the honor of being her taste-tester for many a new cocktail she has posted. <br /> Here's to food, drink, friends and being merry! <br /><a href=> <br /> <img src= alt= /> <br /><img src= alt= /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br /><img src= alt= /></a></p>
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