BBQ Sauce

photo by oilpatchjo

- Ready In:
- 30mins
- Ingredients:
- 9
- Yields:
5 Quarts
- 3 quarts apple cider vinegar
- 1 (28 ounce) bottle ketchup
- 22 ounces light brown sugar
- 1⁄4 cup garlic powder
- 1⁄4 cup salt
- 1⁄2 cup crushed red pepper flakes
- 1 tablespoon ground black pepper
- 1⁄2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce
- Mix all ingredients in a 6 qt. stainless steel pot
- Bring to a boil and simmer 15 minutes
- Turn off heat and let stand for 30 minutes
- When cooled pour into (5) 1 qt. sanitized jars and cover with lids
- Can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks Use for any meats especially Pork.
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Johnney's BBQ Sauce, this is the consummate recipe for BBQ Sauce! I used fresh whole tomatoes with about 5 large Red Pointed Peppers and added a sauteed onion I reduced that down to a lovely sauce then added the ingredients in the recipe. I used garlic which I put up in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, instead of the Tabasco Sauce I used Frank's Hot Sauce my DH's preference. Before simmering the sauce I put the sauce in my food processor about 3 cups at a time and pureed the sauce. I also added 1/2 pint of some Nectarine Jam and 1/8 cup of Rose Hip Syrup I had made then followed the cooking instructions exactly. I was a little tiny bit short for a full quart on the last quart jar so I added the remainder of the Apple Cider vinegar, a little bit more brown sugar and a dash of cloves and cooked in the pot with original directions that's why the one quart which is in front of the other two is darker. I was afraid to use the full 3 quarts of Apple Cider Vinegar so I only used 1 quart of Apple Cider Vinegar and I got 3 quarts of BBQ sauce but when I make Johnney's original recipe I won't be afraid anymore! I had looked for awhile for a BBQ sauce recipe and this one just stood out from all the rest this is absolutely the best I have ever tasted anywhere! It is such a complex taste it just dances in your mouth on each note. Thank you so much for posting Johnney, this recipe will go into my "Heirloom Recipe Book"!
Bakersfield, California
<P><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="+1" COLOR="#663399"> I was born to John and Barbara Messmore, Mothers maiden name of Rupe, My family roots are from Kentucky, We moved to Chicago, Ill. when I was 2yrs of age so I consider that to be where Im from.<P>I lived half of my life there then my family moved to west to San Francisco, Ca. and thats when my life really began, I never learned so much about life as I did living there, It was a melting pot of people, I grew up during the "LOVE" era where it seemed that everyone shared everything with eachother,Kinda like here at Zaar, There were no expectations, no demands and it seemed that life was slower and full of energy, I miss that today.<P> I started cooking at the age if 15 learning from my Grandmother "Bertha Rupe" She was a Manager of an apartment building in San Francisco on the corner of "Post & Polk" Street where all the old ladies just thought I was so "Cute" a lot of my recipes as I can remember them come from all of them.<P>Later in 1971 at the age of 17 I joined the Navy and thats where most of my culinary training came from, I was a cook on my ship the "USS KIRK DE-1087" Whats weird is that the building address on post and polk was 1087, It was a Destroyer Escort to the Carrier "Kitty Hawk", I cooked for a crew of about 300, Its funny, when I got out and cooked for friends and family I could'nt keep from making a lot of food.<P>I now reside in Bakersfield, Ca. where I met my love of my life online, I lived in San Jose at the time with my younger brother Mark and his family, We met and fell in love so I moved here, I just have to say tis "The things we do for love"<P> Ive been here for 5 years now and I hate this city with a passion, Its hell in the summer but winters here are ok, However THERE IS NOTHING HERE! and the drivers in this town do not know what a stop sign means, Anyone out there that has driven here knows what Im talkin about.<p>I now am on disability due to a heart transplan in 2000, I do most of the cooking here, The GF's son in law loves my Pizza.<p>My GF and her daughter has started a bead business making Magnetic Hematite necklaces, Thier really kool lookin' You can see them on the website Im building for them: </FONT><b><A HREF="">"The Northeast Shop.Com"</A>
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<MARQUEE bgcolor="#FFFFFF" loop="-1" scrollamount="5" width="100%">Never Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly!</MARQUEE><P>
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