Basic Fat Burning Soup
- Ready In:
- 45mins
- Ingredients:
- 6
- Serves:
- 6 large green onions
- 1 (14 ounce) can diced tomatoes
- 1 large head of cabbage
- 2 green peppers
- 1 bunch celery
- 1 (8 ounce) package Lipton Instant Chicken Soup Mix
- Season with salt, pepper, curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, or hot sauce.
- Cut vegetables in small to medium pieces and cover with water. Boil fast for ten minutes. Cut to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender. This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat the more you will lose. Warning - if eaten alone for indefinite periods, you would suffer malnutrition.
- DAY ONE : All fruits except bananas. Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than most fruits. Eat only the soup and fruits. For Drinks - unsweetened tea, cranberry juice or water.
- DAY TWO : All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with all the fresh, raw or canned vegetables. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. Eat along with the soup. At dinner time on this day, reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Do not eat fruits.
- DAY THREE : Eat all the soup, fruits, and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten for three days, as above, and have not cheated, you will find you have lost 5 to 7 pounds.
- DAY FOUR : Bananas, oranges and cantaloupe, and skim milk. Eat as many as 3 bananas and drink as many glasses of water as you can on this day along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates and so is the milk, but on this particular day your body will need the potassium and carbohydrates, proteins and calcium to lessen your craving for sweets.
- DAY FIVE : Beef and tomatoes. You may have 10-20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes or as many as 6 fresh tomatoes this day. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water this day to wash away the uric acid in your body. Eat soup at least once this day.
- DAY SIX : Beef and veggies. Eat at your hearts content of the beef and vegetables this day. You can even have two or three steaks if you like with green leafy vegetables, but no baked potato. Be sure and eat the soup at least once today.
- DAY SEVEN : Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Again stuff yourself. Be sure to have the soup at least once today.
- The end of the seventh day, if you have not cheated on the above diet, you will have lost 10-17 pounds. If you have lost more than 15 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again for day one.
- DEFINITE NO-NO'S : Bread,alcohol,no carbonated drinks including diet drinks. Stick with water, unsweetened tea, black coffee, unsweetened fruit juices, cranberry juice and skimmed milk.
- Because everyone's digestive system is different, this diet will affect everyone differently. After day three, you will have more energy than when you began if you don't cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find your bowel movements have changed-eat a cup of bran or fiber. Although you can have black coffee with his diet you may find that you don't need the caffeine after the third day.
- The Basic Fat Burning Soup can be eaten anytime you feel hungry. Eat as much as you wish. Remember the more you eat the more you will lose. No fried foods are bread. You can eat broiled or baked chicken instead of meat. (Absolutely no skin on the chicken).
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I have tried this but my version had onion soup mix not chicken and I have lots of peppers in my garden so I added chiles and jalopenos for a nice little kick. The plan was easy to follow and is not that different from my norm as I do not eat many simple carbs and in the week I did loose 6 lbs. My head was clear all week and had no light headedness just a nice sense of well being. I am in a stress full word environment and felt great. My husband and his brother also tride and liked this soup. It would be great in the winter.
I love to cook, I always look forward to trying new recipes. I am a single parent of two children so I am always looking for healthy, great tasting fast meals. I enjoy searching the web for new recipes. And when the kids and I are not in the kitchen you can find us enjoying the great outdoors.