Apple Butter

"Apple butter is delicious on hot homemade biscuits with butter, on a toasted bagel with cream cheese, with potato pancakes, on French toast, etc., etc. It also makes a great holiday gift. I serve slices of potato kugel with a dollop of sour cream and a spoonful of apple butter. It’s a good thing. NOTE: Cooking time stated is approximate."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
6 pints




  • Quarter apples and remove stems. Do not peel or core.
  • Place apples and apple cider in a dutch oven or large pot. Slowly bring up to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until apples are mushy.
  • Put cooked apples through a food mill or sieve to remove the skin and seeds.
  • Measure the pulp and put it back in the pot, along with the spices, lemon zest, and lemon juice.
  • Add 1/3 cup sugar for each cup of pulp, using equal parts brown sugar and granulated sugar.
  • Cook over low heat for several hours, stirring frequently to prevent mixture from scorching on the bottom.
  • Apple butter is done when no liquid seeps from the edges when a spoonful is dropped onto a saucer.
  • Pack into hot sterile jars and seal as directed by manufacturer.

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I'm a software engineer living in Wilmington, Delaware. I'm originally from the South (north Florida), so I was raised on good old Southern cooking. I started cooking when I was 7 and have always loved to experiment and put my own twist on the dishes I make. While traveling and living in different places I've discovered a number of wonderful cuisines - Cuban, Thai, Greek, Indonesian, Indian, et al. I have a few dishes from each cuisine that I do really well. I love to experiment with recipes. One of my favorite things to do is figure out how a dish I like is made. If I have something at a restaurant that I really like I'll experiment at home until I come up with a creditable equivalent. It's great to be a member of this community. Where else could you find recipes from people living in every corner of the world? I love it! All of the recipes I've posted here are original unless stated otherwise in the description.
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