15 Layer Russian Honey Cake

"I recently tried a Russian Honey Cake, which was one of the yummiest cakes I have ever tasted. It was so nice I decided to find the recipe and learn to make it myself. It took me about 6 months searching the net (on websites mostly in Russian, which I definitely don't read or speak) translating from Russian using an online translator, and trying different recipes before I found this recipe, which has produced a result at least as nice as the one I tried. I baked 2 pieces at a time on baking paper on an oven tray. Each batch took just long enough to cook, that I had two more ready to swap when the first ones were done. The cream filling (and coating) is made from sour cream and sugar. The sour cream is simply whipped with the sugar until the sugar dissolves. The original recipe said to add sugar "by intuition"; I think you're supposed to keep adding more until it thickens, but the time I tried that it was too sickly sweet! I have also made the filling/coating using fresh cream - 750ml, soured with 1/2 cup lemon juice and beaten until just starting to thicken (you still use the sugar & honey). This was for a vegetarian who pointed out that the cultured sour cream I used had gelatin in it. A slightly different taste, but a very nice variation. I personally don't like walnuts all that much, so I leave them out whenever I cook this."
photo by littlepetel photo by littlepetel
photo by littlepetel
photo by littlepetel photo by littlepetel
Ready In:
1hr 15mins




  • Preheat oven to 180°C.
  • Beat eggs well with sugar; add baking soda and liquid honey (warm).
  • Melt the margarine/butter in a casserole or pot; add the mixture (margarine should not be too hot).
  • Put the casserole on a low heat, add the flour while mixing and mix until the mass is without lumps (the mixture will be very thick and very hard to stir). Remove from heat and cool.
  • Dip the dough in flour, divide, roll each layer very thin (1-2mm), cut circles as round as possible (approx 18cm diameter), and bake at 180°C for 2-4 minutes or until golden brown in colour; repeat with remaining dough and allow to cool before assembling.
  • Beat sour cream, sugar and honey until the sugar dissolves-the mixture will still be fairly liquid.
  • Coat each layer with a generous layer of cream; assemble the cake, coat the sides with cream and sprinkle top and sides with crumbs and ground walnuts. Allow to set at least 6 hours before eating.

Questions & Replies

  1. What do you bake the layers on? Foil? Parchment paper? Metal round cake pan?
  2. Just had a quick question! Is there a difference between the two honey's listed? Or are they the same thing?


  1. I am Russian myself, now live in America. So... I grew up with that cake and I have a few other cakes that I will publish on here, that are just so good as well. Anyway this one can also have a lemon peel for a ground layer and chocholate on the top as well as different nuts, The sower cream should be thick to begine with . before you add suger to it. So in Russia we let it hang and get read of water by putting it in a fabric over night.
  2. This turned out wonderful. I am a Russian and grew up with this cake, but over the years lost my recipe. This cake is quite tricky - if something is not right, it will be hard as a rock! This one came out perfect! My American husband's family liked it a lot. The only thing - HOW did the author get 15 layers??? I rolled the dough really thin, but still had to make another batch. Thank you so much for coming up with this recipe! There are some recipes of it on the web, but this one is for sure the best one!
  3. The recipe is awesome. I am russian myself and the cake turned out really well. Similar to my mum's honey cake.I added cinnamon and nutmeg to the dough.Thank you very much for the recipe. It reminded me of my childhood. :)
  4. This cake is delicious! However, not being a baker I made the process more simple. I spread the dough out while still warm on 2 cookie sheets lined with wax paper to bake. When cooled I cut each sheet into three to form a 6 layer rectangular cake. The rest of the recipe I followed exaxtly. I didn't look as impressice as the 15 layer round yet it was so...good. My husband is russian and loved it!!!
  5. Thank you VERY MUCH for this. I live abroad now and remember making this cake when I was young in Ukraine. Since then, forgot the recepie and could not find it anywhere. IT IS EXACTLY how me and my mum used to make it so VERY AUTHENTIC. the only thing I should mention - ensure that you put ALOT of filling in between so the cake soaks it up and becomes softer. Thank you again. Jana


  1. Since tracking down and fine-tuning the recipe and making this cake innumerable times, I have realised that (as several reviewers have said), you need plenty of sour cream between the layers to insure it turns out nice and moist. It still works fine with the quantities given, but it can be even better... I now make it with a full 1kg of sour cream (2 lb 3 oz), and make sure every layer is thickly coated, as well as the outside of the completed stack. (For those who are not of NZ/Aussie/UK extraction, biscuits = cookies!!!)



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