Your Choice Yogurt Pancakes

"You can vary the flavor in these by using any flavor of yogurt you please! A basic and very versatile recipe. You can add any fruit you like, if you want to add fruit- try raspberries with lemon yogurt! Yum!"
photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd
photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd
photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd
photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd photo by Susie Morgan-Byrd
Ready In:




  • Combine the dry ingredients (flour, salt, powder and soda) in a medium bowl.
  • Combine the wet ingredients (yogurt, milk, egg and oil) in a large bowl.
  • Combine the wet ingredients with the dry and mix until just blended.
  • Heat a hot lightly oiled or nonstick skillet over medium heat.
  • Add about 1/4 cup batter per pancake and cook until bubbles form and edges are beginning to be cooked.
  • Flip and cook other side until done.
  • Serve hot with maple syrup, fruit or your choice of condiments.

Questions & Replies

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  1. These turned out great! I used low-fat vanilla yogurt and chose to use a granny Smith apple that need to be used up and ended up using about a cup of fruit. Super good, light and fluffy. Thanks for posting the recipe.
  2. I used wheat flour and vanilla yogurt and the pancakes are great. I add a different topping each time -- dark chocolate chips with banana, or some chopped walnuts with blueberries or maybe some pecans with cinnamon and banana.
  3. I have used this recipe many times :) I prefer to use plain natural yogurt, I usually fill them with fruit, whipped cream and syrup, they are great for either breakfast or desert, thanks
  4. Was not very fluffy despite the baking powder. Kids liked it, said it was filling - but I don't think it was very good. Sorry.
  5. These were okay, not quite as tasty as some of the other yoghurt pancakes I've tried but the kids ate them nonetheless.


  1. I really liked these. I used 1 packet of stevia instead of sugar, and olive oil instead of butter. I added dried blueberries to some, and almond meal sprinkled over others as they cooked. I always use whole wheat flour. These are light and fluffy. Do keep an eye on them because they get dark very easily, but the flavor was good even without syrup...even better with it. A great recipe.



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