Super Gulf Coast Cocktail Sauce

"I grew up eating this, I never had the kind out of the jar until I went to a friend's house and it was sooo gross tasting to me!! I can't even eat the ones at restaurants! This is the only one for me! Recipe can easily be doubled."
photo by Mamas Kitchen Hope photo by Mamas Kitchen Hope
photo by Mamas Kitchen Hope
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  • Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl. Taste. If it tastes off (I say this cause I dont really measure, just put things in till they taste good) then may need to add a touch more lemon or wostershire. If you like really spicy, a little bit more horseradish. If too watery looking may need to add some more ketchup.
  • Enjoy!

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  1. Fabulous! Tastes like what you get with your shrimp and oysters in the seafood shacks down on the Gulf Coast. I always double the horseradish, though because I like it HOT! Now when I look at the bottled cocktail sauce at the grocery store, I think, " Nah. I can make it better in about a minute at home."
  2. Terrific basic red sauce although I missed the Tabasco. Thank you for sharing your recipe! Reviewed for ZWT3.
  3. This is my recipe, too. It's a perfect cocktail sauce for seafood. I always use about double the horseradish because I love it. This time I served it with calamari. Made for Zaar World Tour.
  4. Fantastic Sauce! I have made this several times and it is always VERY good. I do not know how I have missed reviewing it! Sorry Jess! This sauce tastes so fresh and zippy! I love it! It also keeps very well in the refrigerator and still tastes fresh and yummy even after a few weeks! Thanks for a terrific recipe!
  5. This is a wonderful cocktail sauce. I added some hot sauce to it to spice it up. Wonderful on oysters on the half shell too. Gloria


I just had my 2nd little boy this past Jan of 08. isn't he cute? i had my other little one Jan of 06. he's rotten and a cutie also!! So now i have 2 Jan boys! My hubby's in the Army so we move every few years. Right now we are in our home state of TX! and happy to be back, close to family that can babysit for us! hubby is gone for a whole yr right now, so the baby will grow up without him right now. I've lived all over the world, the only place i haven't made it to yet is Europe, hopefully someday! <a href=""><img src="" width=215 height=215 border=0></a><a href="" target=_blank></a> Participation & Awards: <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
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