Sunken Chocolate Souffle

"In the UK there is a television program where amateur chefs cook their best recipes, it is called Master Chef and it is a contest. This recipe is from a 1994 program and I wrote it down whilst watching it. Made this many times and is always successful. This is a dark and moist/squidgey chocolate dessert. You must use a really good quality chocolate for this, meaning that it is high in cacao solids approx 75 % it is very rich so serve small portions. Besides the creme fraiche the souffle was served with a mix of berry fruits mixed with a few tablespoons of brandy and some sugar, this mix was left to marinate for a few hours. It freezes well for up to 1 month and can be made 2 days in advance. You can use a different liqueur like Amaretto or go for a brandy or Armagnac, whatever you choose use the same to flavor the creme fraiche. Sorry, this time I did not convert the amounts and you will have to weigh the ingredients."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
1hr 10mins




  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
  • Grease and line an 8-inch spring form pan with non-stick baking paper.
  • Melt the chocolate with the butter over a pan of hot, not boiling, water, then mix in the liqueur and set aside.
  • Beat the egg yolks and the sugar until pale and creamy, approx 5/6 minutes, mix this with the melted chocolate mixture.
  • In a very clean bowl, with very clean beaters, beat the egg whites until the they form soft peaks, not stiff dry peaks, start your mixer beating slow and gradually speed it up.
  • Add a few tablespoons egg white to the chocolate mix, folding it in carefully to lighten the mixture first before you fold in the rest.
  • Put this in the prepared tin and bake for approx 30 minutes, use your own judgment and give it a few minutes more if you think it needs it because every oven is different, there is a good chance you will see some cracks in the top appearing, do not worry.
  • Take it out of the oven, it should be well risen by now, the center should feel springy to the touch.
  • Let it cool completely in the tin, and yes, you will see your creation sink, and sink!
  • Take out of the tin, if you prefer leave the bottom and only remove the outer ring of the springform tin, peel off the paper, cover and chill until needed.
  • Mix the crème fraiche with the liqueur, chill until needed (Remove from the fridge 30 minutes before serving).
  • To serve: cut in wedges, serve dusted with cacao or icing/powdered sugar, some of the berry mix (if using) and the crème fraiche.

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  1. this is more like a flourless chocolate torte to me. i made this twice. the first time my springform pan leaked and what was left in it didn't rise. the second time i wrapped the outside of the pan with tin foil. this still didn't rise or sink, but the taste was incredible! dense creamy rich! everyone at work was asking for the recipe.
  2. Pets this was very good and so rich. Very easy to make. This would be good with ice cream on top too instead of Whipped Cream. I had to use rum extract as I kept forgetting to buy some Frand Marnier. It was very tasty and next time I will use the Grand Marnier. Thanks for a great recipe.
  3. This was the best!! Great for those with flour allergies! Creamy Creamy Creamy Oh did I say Creamy! Don`t forget RICH!


Hello, my name is Bonnie and I am a very beautiful cat as you can see if you look at the picture at the top of this page.... What??.. I am supposed to talk about you??? But it says here: About Me!! Well all right then ...... My mom is Dutch and has moved to England in October 2007, after living 15 years in the Netherlands with my English dad. They don’t have any human children and “created” their own family, which means I have to share them with Hannah, she is a 6 years old tortie cat, Abby the dog, she is a 9 year old Beagle, and a one year old black Miniature Pincher named Poppy, I refuse to tell you my age but I am a georgious lilac British Shorthair cat!! It is obvious she adores pets just by looking at her name she uses on Zaar (many on Zaar call her Pets or Petsie Poo), her name in real life is Annelies and that is a common Dutch name. My mom always liked to cook, but since she joined Zaar it got out of control, and it doesn’t help that she is disorganized. Printed recipes everywhere in the house, the recipe binders have got bigger and just between you and me, her hips too!!! I have lived in Holland all of my life until now, but they lived in several different countries/places:- desert and coastal Oman, up North and West in Holland, Vancouver-Canada, Aberdeen- Scotland and in Norway they lived in Bergen and Oslo. We have all moved together to England, as you can see I’ve already learnt the language! I heard her say to Dad that this is the last time she moved to another country...she's had it with moving from one place to another! ( its her age...she's getting grumpy) Mom is 55 years old but I always hear her say that the date of her birthday does not mean that much to her, the date of her cancer anniversary is more important, because so far she is a survivor. Besides cooking she has other interests too, crafts, gardening and soap making. She likes Zaar and is one of the hosts on the German-Benelux Forum here on RecipeZaar. She would like to thank everybody who tries and comments on the recipes she has posted on Recipezaar, your feedback is very much appreciated. <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src=""> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
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