Mussels Vinaigrette

"Fantastic appetizer !! These mussels are heavenly!!, do lots, they will go quickly,"
photo by Thorsten photo by Thorsten
photo by Thorsten
photo by Thorsten photo by Thorsten
photo by Thorsten photo by Thorsten
photo by Thorsten photo by Thorsten
Ready In:




  • Scrub mussels well and remove the beards.
  • Discard any that do not close tightly, set aside.
  • Whisk the oil and vinegar together in a bowl, then add capers, onion, pimiento, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Place one cup water in a frypan with the lemon slice.
  • Add the mussels and bring to a boil.
  • Remove the mussels as they open;cool.
  • Remove the mussel meat from the shells, reserving half the shells, and mix it into the vinaigrette.
  • Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  • Clean the reserved mussel shells well and place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
  • Before serving, replace the mussels in the shells and spoon a small amount of the vinaigrette over.

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  1. This is exactly how we make them here in Portugal, I live close to the ocean so its easy to alway ´ have them fresh. The only differece, in mine is that instead of using ground pepper I use tobasco sauce, but thats just my personal preference, other than that its the same. Lovely with a nice COLD glass of white wine, and some fresh crusty bread to dip into that wonderful vinaigrette. Ummmm could go for some right now!!
  2. Simple and delicious. I love mussels, it's hard not to, and this will be a regular dish for me. I ended up with a lot more mussels (about double) and this recipe doubles easily. I purchased my mussels from Diana's Seafood Delights in the Toronto area. If you're in the Toronto area, I highly recommend Diana's (they have a website if you want their location). Out of 3 lbs of mussels, I did not lose a single one. Amazing.
  3. This recipe does double duty. I bought a large qty of fresh mussels and cooked up this one for the follow day, and the nectar left over made a great start to a wine, fresh herb and butter steaming sauce for the other 1/2 of the mussels to eat that night. Thus avoiding family dissapointment of having to wait a day for fresh mussels. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Definitely delicious! I used 2 pounds of mussels when I made this for DH and I, we both enjoyed it very much. I did not follow the instructions for serving. After the mussels were cooked I removed all empty shells, put the rest of the mussels (and those still left in the shells) into a dish with the vinaigrette to chill overnight. Next day we ate them with a nice fresh baguette!! What a delicious lunch!!
  5. I love this mussel recipe. First, it can be made ahead and second, it is HEAVENLY delicious. And the vinaigrette can be used to dip bread or veggies into it or for a salad. I have made a lot mussels and have eaten them all on my own. I like the balance of more sour flavors and the more herbal flavors with some spicy notes. In the center are the mussels, which have a wonderful texture, still firm and full of flavors. The vinaigrette will bring out the mussel taste, but will complete the taste with fresh notes of the vinegar. Fantastic. This is an absolute outstanding starter. Your guests will ask for more and more. Made a lot of them. Thanks Derf for sharing this excellent recipe.


  1. This is exactly how we make them here in Portugal, I live close to the ocean so its easy to alway have them fresh. The only differece, in mine is that instead of using ground pepper I use tobasco sauce, but thats just my personal preference, other than that its the same. Lovely with a nice COLD glass of white wine, and some fresh crusty bread to dip into that wonderful vinaigrette. Ummmm could go for some right now!!


<p>November 4th, 2013: &nbsp;Our community lost a wonderful friend when Dorothy passed away on October 24th, 2013. &nbsp;We are shocked and saddened by her passing and there is a thread for expressing your condolences.</p> <p>Mary at</p> <p><a href=></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>********************************************************************</p> <p>I live in the sunny okanogan valley - I am a retired Resort Services Director, love collecting receipes and cooking but am a diabetic so some times i can only collect&nbsp;</p> <p>Love traveling, own a timeshare, went to Portugal in the year 2000, this picture was taken there, so it's 9 years old, but the only decent one I have, I am not photogenic and hate having my picture taken!! <br />I've been enjoying lushious recipes from 'zaar for 9 years now, since January 2001. <br /><img src= alt=Image hosted by /> <img src= alt=Image hosted by /><img src= alt=Image hosted by /> <br /><img src= alt=Image hosted by /><img src= alt=Image hosted by /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Image hosting by /><img src= border=0 alt=Image hosting by Photobucket /><img src= alt= /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /> <img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= alt= /><img src= alt= /></p>
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