Mexican Twice Baked Potatoes

"Twice baked potatoes with a nice little kick!"
photo by Canmore photo by Canmore
photo by Canmore
photo by ~*Miss Diggy*~ photo by ~*Miss Diggy*~
Ready In:
1hr 20mins




  • Bake potatoes at 400 for 50-60 minutes, or until soft.
  • Take out of oven and let cool a little. Once cool, cut them in half legnth wise and scoop out meat from potato skin.
  • Place potato meat in bowl along with butter, salsa, sour cream, and salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
  • Add in the cheddar cheese, and place potato mixture back into potato skins.
  • Sprinkle with cheese on top and bake in oven for another 20 minutes, or until warmed through.
  • Sprinkle with onion salt and chili powder, to taste (we put alot on).

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  1. Pretty good!
  2. I liked these, but my husband loved them. I made a batch and froze them to have on hand. To re-heat, I baked them in foil at 350 for about 40 mins. Thanks for sharing this flavorful and easy recipe.
  3. We made these one night when we were having company over. Everyone loved them (even the kids!). Definitely one to make again!
  4. Sorry, but we did not like this. Not very flavorful, and the tomatoes in the salsa turned the potatoes pink (which didn't go over well with my guys).
  5. These potatoes are wonderful! I served them, as suggested, with Recipe #150133 and corn, and then I couldn't wait to have the leftover potatoes the next day. ;) Thanks!


My way of rating recipes <br>1 Star - Did not like it, and possibly not edible, will not be making again, unless I specify the chance. <br>2 Star - It was ok, but I will probly not make again, unless I specify the chance. <br>3 Star - This was good, not bad, but not great, and will probly be made again when I have nothing else to make. <br>4 Star - This was great, and will be made again. <br>5 Star - AMAZING dish. Will most definitely be made again. <br> <br> <br> <br><a href=><img border=0 src= alt=Free Web Counters></a><a href=>Cheap Flowers</a>
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