Mexican Chocolate Mousse

"I am a fan of chocolate mousse and especially like the kind made in Mexican restaurants. I created this recipe because I wanted a mousse that didn't contain eggs or alcohol. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does."
photo by Outta Here photo by Outta Here
photo by Outta Here
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  • 1) In a small pot, melt 1 tablet of Mexican chocolate in the milk on medium heat. Stir frequently until tablet is dissolved and mixture is free of large clumps. Add salt. Mixture may appear grainy. Take off heat and set aside to cool.
  • 2) In a large bowl, stir cocoa powder and nstant pudding mix. Slowly add whipping cream to dry mix. Beat on high until mixture thickens. Add chocolate/milk/salt mixture and beat on high until fluffy. Chocolate mixture may be warm when added.
  • 3) Fill cups and chill 2-3 hours. I find the mousse tastes even better after at least 6 hours in the fridge. Can be topped with whip cream or cool whip.

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  1. Can you say Salty? I made this for my bunco group and we couldn't eat it. It was way too salty. The consistency was really nice and had a good flavor if you could get past the salt which we couldn't. Had to throw it out. 1 teaspoon of salt is overload. I thought maybe the measurement had to do with maybe usingMexican chocolate b/c I haven't cooked with it before.Thinking 1/8tsp or 1/4 the most. Don't use 1 tsp salt as is called for. Maybe a typo?
  2. This is not something I'd want to have every day, but it's definitely a dessert that should satisfy the chocoholic in anyone, me included! I thoroughly enjoyed making it & the 2 of us (along with my son & DIL) enjoyed devouring it as well! Thanks for posting it! [Made & reviewed during this Spring's Pick A Chef event]
  3. DH loved this one. I wasn't sure about the tablet of chocolate. I had one package with half of the round so used that. Didn't have enough cream so used half and half. Turned out great. Still have two more for tonight.
  4. Super chocolatey! I used sugar-free pudding mix so this was a real treat for this diabetic and a little splurge of fat once in a while can't hurt. :) Topped with Cool Whip Lite this was perfect. Thanks for sharing Heather. Made for Pick A Chef Spring 2011.
  5. The perfect end for Mexican themed dinner. Love the hint of cinnamon from the Mexican chocolate tablet. This will be for special occasions because of the high fat and sugar content, but worth waiting for :) Didn't add any topping, since it was so good by itself. Made for Spring 2011 PAC game.


My uncle who I grew up with, was a professional chef so I've always eaten well. Now that I'm grown and have a boyfriend with a hungry mouth to feed I'm starting to learn how to cook.
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