Indian Coconut Soup

"I have long enjoyed coconut soup in Indian restaurants, and I finally set about to make my own. Now I like mine best of all! :-) It's quick and easy, and it has a nice texture."
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  • Sautee coconut in butter until toasted, stirring well.
  • Add 1/4 cup pistachios, sautéing a little longer.
  • Add honey and spices and stir.
  • Add milk and coconut milk, stirring slowly.
  • Heat but don't boil.
  • Froth individual servings in blender or espresso machine if desired.
  • CAUTION: Be careful not to put more than one serving at a time in the blender or it may overflow and scald you.
  • Serve garnished with pistachios.

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  1. I ate at an indian place the other day and was thrilled to see that they had this soup becuase I was planning on making it anyway. After getting a taste of it, I had to make some today and this recipe is definitely close. I was a little bit sad to see all that saturated fat in the coconut milk, but there's nothing you can do about that. Frothing is definitely worth it if you can, but if not it's still a great soup.
  2. Overall a good alternative to Indian restaurant-style coconut soup. Next time however, I will make a few modifiations to the preparation to make it more of what I expected. One, I will strain out liquid for frothing rather than chopping up all the coconut (frothing does enhance taste though). Also, I will omit the pistachios in favor of slivered almonds, which are lighter in color and look better in the soup. But I will definitely make again. Great served with Indian tea!
  3. I thought about using coconut cream and the coconut milk in place of cows milk as my son is allergic. Thoughts?
  4. I disagree, the pistachios really add to it. A great soup
  5. This soup was wonderful! I wasn't sure how to froth it, but it tasted great. I added a bit of hot chili sauce (that is served in oriental restaurants) to give it a little bite and really liked the flavor mixture of the sweet and spicy :)


Vegetarian ocean-loving therapist with a passion for cooking, wishing she could cook Ethiopian food as well as the restaurants do!
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