Ice Cream

"My dad loved homemade ice cream on a hot summer's day. When we were kids he'd mix us up a gallon to enjoy. The ice cream was so good and there were so many wonderful memories made. In loving memory of my father."
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Ready In:
1hr 50mins


  • 5 eggs
  • 2 14 cups sugar
  • 3 cups cream
  • 3 tablespoons vanilla
  • 12 teaspoon lemon extract
  • 12 - 34 gallon milk


  • Beat eggs until light and add sugar.
  • Mix in cream, vanilla and lemon extract.
  • Pour into your gallon ice cream freezer.
  • Fill to instructed level with milk.
  • Follow manufacture's directions from here on to freeze.

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  1. Well, I'm going to do something I swore I'd never do: rate a recipe without trying it. Helpfulness be damned! This sounds delicious to me, and besides, the recipe is posted for all the right reasons. Five stars for potential, and five BIG stars for heart!
  2. Thank you for posting this special recipe, Charlotte. I know this time is really hard for you and your family. My father-in-law passed away in June. At Christmas we wanted to make some of the recipes he loved, as we always did. My sister-in-law said she didn't think she could stand looking at things he always cooked. But we know that by doing so we continued to honor him and his memory. He would want life to continue for us in a pleasant way, and so I think your father would for you. I'll enjoy trying this recipe this summer.
  3. Charlotte, this was so good. Ice cream on the 4th of July is better than "Mom and Apple Pie". We thought this made a nice creamy ice cream, and it didnt involve cooking. I use only Mexican vanilla, and it is so much stronger than extract, so I only used 1 Tbsp + 2 tsp. It still had a nice vanilla flavor, but not too strong. Thanks for posting this recipe in memory of your beloved father. This one is a keeper.
  4. I tried this recipe for our July 4th family get-together and it was a smashing hit. I was looking for a quick recipe that didn't call for heating the ingredients and cooling them again and this one is perfect. I have to confess that I didn't have any lemon extract so I did leave it out. It was so good that I want to try it again and add bananas or strawberries. Thanks for a great recipe!
  5. Charlotte! This was fabulous! My husband and I loved it! It was very simple and took almost no time at all to make! I chopped up semi-sweet chocolate chips and added it to one batch (I used 3 lb butter tubs as this was all I had). Thank you soo much for sharing this wonderful recipe passed onto you by your late father! Best wishes to you and your future!



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