Multigrain Sourdough Bread

"A staple here now that I use Sourdough primarily. Feel free to change the sunflower seeds for other seeds or nuts, and the millet for quinoa or amarynth or other grain. Again, thanks to Donna for her basic recipe on which this was based. Cook time does not include bread machine processing time."
photo by Katzen photo by Katzen
photo by Katzen
photo by Katzen photo by Katzen
Ready In:
1 Loaf




  • Measure all ingredients into bread machine pan, in order that they are listed. Set machine for dough cycle and start.
  • At end of dough cycle, remove dough to lightly floured surface and shape into loaf.
  • Place in greased loaf pan, cover and let rise until bread is 1 to 2 inches above edges of pan. Alternatively, form into one or two round loaves and place on cornmeal coated cookie sheet. Be patient, sourdough without the addition of commercial yeast can take up to several hours to rise.
  • Bake at 375 degrees F for 40 to 50 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. The top can be brushed with butter for a soft crust, if desired.
  • NOTE: To proof your starter, feed it with equal parts of flour and lukewarm water, then let it sit overnight or up to 12 hours, covered. This is what develops the characteristic sour flavor and the longer the proof, the sourer it will be. If you start with 1 cup of starter and feed it 1 cup each of water and flour, you should have enough to make your bread and save the rest to start your next batch.

Questions & Replies

  1. I just bought some Robin Hood multigrain best for bread flour and I want to make some sourdough bread. Do you have this recipe in Baker's percentage or weights instead of cup measures?
  2. This bread recipe calls for 2 cups of starter! The recipes I have made all have 1/4 cup of starter only. Why does this one need so much starter?


  1. Have been wanting to get back into baking sourdough, & this recipe prompted me to do just that! Loved the combo of flour/grain/seed & would be happy to add another 1 or 2 as I get more adventurous! Absolutely nothing like a freshly-made, crusty sourdough! Thanks for a great recipe! [Tagged, made & reviewed for the VIP Chef in the Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe Swap 12]


I'm a now vegan who used to make one heck of a souvlaki. I love cooking, I was a huge fan of Moosewood and Molly Katzen prior to going vegan (although that has nothing to do with my choosing the name Katzen - that's just what my German Grandma has called me all my life.) Aside from cooking, I also love scuba diving, cycling, politics, and reading.
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