Stuffed Bell Pepper Casserole

"This is a really good and easy alternative to traditional stuffed peppers. The addition of stuffing is good although you can make it without. I got this recipe from the Campbell's web site."
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
photo by lauralie41
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
Ready In:




  • Mix 1/4 cup stuffing and butter. Set aside.
  • Cook beef and onion in skillet over medium-high heat until browned. Pour off fat.
  • Add tomatoes and corn.
  • Add remaining stuffing. Mix lightly.
  • Arrange peppers in 2-quart shallow baking dish. Spoon beef mixture over peppers.
  • Cover.
  • Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes or until peppers are tender. Sprinkle with reserved stuffing mixture. Bake 5 minutes or until golden.

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  1. I made this and it was great! I used 2 cans of tomatoes ass well, however; I added rice and shredded mozzerella chesse! YUMMY!
  2. I made this for the first time tonight for my family and some guest and everyone loved it! All the adults had seconds and the kids even ate all of theirs! I made this and it fed 4 adults and 4 kids. I did use two cans of tomatoes as well. Next time I will dice up the bell peppers so the kids will eat them a bit better. VERY good casserole!
  3. This was good and easy to make. I followed the recipe as written other then I took others recommendations and used 2 cans of tomatoes instead of one. I also used crushed tomatoes instead of whole tomatoes. This was easy to put together with ingredients I normally have on hand.
  4. I did use 2 cans of the tomatoes and it turned out great, my family devoured this dish and want me to make it again.
  5. Wonderful casserole! I did read where one reviewer said it was a little dry so I added the green peppers to the bottom of the baking dish, poured half the hamburger mixture next, than a layer of bread crumbs and repeated again. Baked for 25 minutes covered and than baked an additional 20 minutes uncovered. Before serving I slowly mixed together the casserole and it was very good. I did use two cans of diced tomatoes, undrained and a can of yellow and white corn. So much easier to make this lighter version of stuffed peppers. Served with MarraMamba's Recipe #245980,so good!


  1. This was good and easy to make. I followed the recipe as written other then I took others recommendations and used 2 cans of tomatoes instead of one. I also used crushed tomatoes instead of whole tomatoes. This was easy to put together with ingredients I normally have on hand.


I want to thank all of you who review the recipes I post - good or bad. It's always good to get feedback and helpful tips and I really appreciate them all! I try to send a note when someone reviews one of my recipes, but I don't always get the chance. Please know that I really enjoy reading the reviews. I also love all the photos everyone posts, too! Thanks so much. Happy Cooking!
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