Vegetarian Lasagna OAMC (Makes 3 Meals)

"I created this recipe to get my kids to eat more vegetables and so we could have a great vegetarian lasagna that was not store bought. It's a little labor intensive so I usually make three at a time and freeze two. It's not that much work to make more, and then I have a meal I can take out of the freezer and pop in the oven! If you only want to make one then divide the recipe into thirds. It's about 6 servings per pan."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
1hr 30mins
3 pans




  • Set the Lasagna noodles to boil in a large pot.
  • Put the Greek yogurt, bell peppers, and spinach in a blender and blend until it fairly smooth.
  • In a bowl mix the Parmesan, Greek Yogurt mix, mozzarella, and garlic.
  • Shred very finely all the zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots. Mushrooms would be a good addition too, but I hate mushrooms so didn't add any in mine.
  • Drain the noodles, and put out three 9x13 pans. I use the tin ones so I can freeze them and then put them in the oven.
  • Lay down one layer of three lasagna noodles in each pan. Place a layer of Spaghetti sauce over the top. Then a layer of the vegetable, then a layer of the white cheeses. Repeat.
  • Put the rest of the spaghetti sauce on the top of the last layer of noodles. Cover with tin foil and lable. Freeze.
  • When you are ready to bake, heat the oven up to 375 and bake for 60 to 75 minutes.

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  1. This is pretty good! I needed to make some changes... I used a full 32oz container of plain Greek yogurt, it was too dry with only half of it. I also didn't use any yellow squash, just the abundance of zucchini coming from my garden! Next time, I'll have to buy some extra mozzarella cheese for the top, it ended up very tough and crunchy with just the sauce.
  2. This was a delicious, healthy lasagna. My husband, son and I all loved it. I actuallly made homemade Greek yogurt for this and it worked really well. The spinach, pepper and cheese mixture was wonderful and the amounts were spot on. I made only 1/3 of the recipe to see how we liked it, but I'm sorry I didn't make the whole thing as I would love to have a couple of these in the freezer right now. The only (slight) change I made to the recipe was to squeeze all the liquid out of the shredded veggies before layering them--I was afraid it might be too watery otherwise. Great recipe pixieglenn! Thanks for posting


I'm a SAHM with four kids. One who is allergic to dairy and soy, another who is a pescatarian, one a voracious carnivore who recently told me she likes meat that moo's when it's served to her, and another who is transitioning from vegetarian to vegan. With all these issues in our home with food and cooking I would die without this site! <br> <br>I like to OAMC and finding new ways to cut down my budget. I also like scrapbooking, reading, and cooking new things. While I enjoy cooking I just don't have tons of time in the kitchen to make complicated dishes, so I really like easy, fast, cheap, and healthy meals. I am under the delusion that there is a perfect cookbook out there somewhere, but am probably mistaken ;) Finding the perfect cookbook is probably like finding the perfect purse, it'll never happen but I keep trying! <br> <br><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> <br> <br><img src=""> <br> <br><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
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