Tomato-Mozzarella Bread (Bread Machine)

"Tastes like pizza bread. You can chop up a bit of pepperoni and include as well if you like!"
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Ready In:
2hrs 35mins
1 loaf




  • Place ingredients in the bread machine in order given directed by for your machine.
  • Set crust to light and bake on white bread.

Questions & Replies

  1. i dont have dried milk or dehydrated onions is it ok to use fresh ones?


  1. There just wasn't enough flavor to this bread for me. So, what I did was sliced this bread thick and made little pizzas out of it by toasting the bread and topping it with tomatoe sauce, mozzarella cheese, some more sun-dried tomatoes and onions. It was pretty good, just not the best...sorry.


I live in Las Vegas. I was lucky enough to run into Recipezaar around Nov. 2000 and got hooked quickly. I am a cookbook collector and have been collecting recipes for as long as I can remember. My DH had to build in shelves for all my cookbooks! I like to dabble with OAMC and for a few years hosted the Budget/OAMC forum with some great people over there. Even though I don't work in the forum any longer I've set up a lot of cookbooks for the purpose of OAMC and stretching food that might be helpful. Please feel free to check them out! I go on food jags and cooking jags! Please come say hi to me and chat on facebook. I currently host a blog for saving money through finding deals and coupons if you are interested. Most of the time I try to cook and have a good dinner on the table but I'll be honest enough to say there is still fast food occasionally in the budget! I have had such wonderful support here whenever I need it. Thank you all for being here! Just a quick note on how I rate recipes: ? 5 stars - This recipe is perfect. (My DH is truly a critic and doesn't give 5's unless it's amazing) I would recommend it to others and would definitely make again. ? 4 stars - This recipe was good but I would change something in it next time. ? 3 stars - This is a recipe I would not make again but it was OK ? 2 stars - This recipe I would not make again and we didn't like it at all ? 1 star - This recipes did not work out/taste was unappealing and wouldn't make again
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