Tomato Basil Topped Halibut

"Since my husband's heart attack last year, I've had to change the way he eats (I hate fish, so I usually have chicken when he has fish)This is a great recipe. Tomatoes are a known heart friendly food as well as fish. This recipe is low calorie, carb, fat, cholesterol, and sodium."
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  • Preheat oven to 350°F; lightly coat a 9x13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
  • In a small bowl, combine the tomato, basil, oregano and garlic. Add the oil and mix well.
  • Arrange fish fillets in the baking pan. Spoon the tomato mixture over the fish. Bake for about 10-15 minutes, or until fish is cooked through and flakes when tested with a fork.

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  1. Very nice and fresh tasting! I used some haddock that Dad had caught recently instead of the halibut. I did season the fish fillets with some Adobo con Pimiento before adding the topping (we're kinda salt-fiends in my house, unfortunately). This went really well with your Italian Saute recipe, too. I actually had no leftovers at all to put away for later (fish or veggies), because the family liked the meal that much! Thanks for a nice, relatively quick-to-make, fairly healthful dinner!


I'm a mom and I love to cook. Started cooking when I was 20, and found I love to do it! I love to experiment with new stuff all the time, and I hate prepackaged foods and recipes that use them, so I always try to figure out the ingredients on my own to copy a recipe. I just don't think that opening a can of baked beans and adding something to it makes for homemade beans!!) My husband had a heart attack last year at the age of 39! So now, we try to eat a lot healthier. I am always looking for ways to get more veggies into him. In my recipes, I never add salt, but I post it here cuz I know most people still like the taste. It takes a while, but you get over it when you cut it out of your cooking. We don't even have a salt shaker anymore. Poor guests! I love that when I post something here, I can see the nutritional breakdown so I know what he can and can't have. I've printed all kinds of recipes that I've found here and made up a heart friendly cookbook for us.
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