"Cooking the perfect steak is a matter of taste. Over the years, I have been on a quest to master the science of making the perfect steak. But it is actually pretty simple if you just follow a few important steps. This is my version of the perfect restaurant quality steak. Try it and decide for yourself."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
25hrs 5mins




  • For basting sauce:

  • Melt unsalted butter. Combine with garlic juice, basil and rosemary. Blend well. Set in fridge, covered, and allow to marinate 24 hours or longer. Set sauce out and allow to warm naturally to room temperature.
  • Steak preparation:

  • Allow steaks to thaw to room temperature. Sprinkle each steak evenly on both sides with kosher salt and cracked black pepper (optional). NOTE: Kosher salt is the best tenderizer for steak and also serves as seasoning along with black pepper (optional). Allow steaks to marinate 15 minutes per 1/4 inch of steak thickness (1 inch thick = 1 hour). After marinating, rinse steaks thoroughly under mildly warm water and then pat steaks dry. Crack pepper over steaks lightly (optional). On high heat, grill steaks 2-3 minutes per side. Remove to indirect heat. Baste the top of the steak with the butter mixture. For medium rare, continue to grill 2-3 minutes per side. Medium 3-5 minutes per side. Medium well 5-7 minutes per side. Well done 7-10 minutes per side. Remove from grill and baste the opposite side of the steak with butter mixture before serving.

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I'm a single Dad of 3 kids. I've been a bachelor for 15 years. I took an interest in cooking at an early age. My Mom is a fantastic cook. Before I was ever allowed to cook a meal on her stove, she taught me the importance of spices. After high school, I split time as a ranch hand and cook for a renowned area restaurant. I went to chili cook offs with the owner and over the years I also served as a judge for a few. I have always enjoyed grilling and smoking more than anything else I cook. I have created many of my own recipes. And adapted others to my personal tastes. I have cooked for a lot of people over the years. And although I never entered a contest myself, many people who have not only entered but won big contests have tried my food. And I have often been asked why I don't enter. The answer is simple. My reward is the look of satisfaction on people's faces when they enjoy what they are eating. I don't need a trophy to enjoy the art of cooking. I just want to serve a good meal to good people who appreciate it.
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