TIBS Old Fashioned Pinto Beans

"Red beans are a big part of Southern culture. In Louisiana, it is a Monday tradition served with rice. Why Monday? Monday was traditionally "wash day". So folks would put on a pot of red beans while they did the laundry. Like all Southern country boys, it was a staple in our house as long as I can remember. A tradition which still continues today. This is my twist on that classic Southern dish. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
3hrs 10mins




  • Soak beans overnight. Drain and rinse thoroughly.
  • Fill large pot with water 1/2 way. On separate burner, fill medium size pot 3/4 full of water. Bring water in both pots to a boil. Reduce large pot heat to medium high. Add beans and all ingredients. Use the boiling water in the other pot to fill the main pot 1" from top. Stir.
  • Cook 2-3 hours stirring occasionally and adding additional boiling water as necessary.
  • Check beans readiness after two hours. A half hour before beans are done, remove salt pork and place into the freezer to cool. Once cool (10-15 minutes), use a fork to remove and shred meat from fat. Discard fat. Add meat back to the pot of beans and stir. Continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  • Serve.

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I'm a single Dad of 3 kids. I've been a bachelor for 15 years. I took an interest in cooking at an early age. My Mom is a fantastic cook. Before I was ever allowed to cook a meal on her stove, she taught me the importance of spices. After high school, I split time as a ranch hand and cook for a renowned area restaurant. I went to chili cook offs with the owner and over the years I also served as a judge for a few. I have always enjoyed grilling and smoking more than anything else I cook. I have created many of my own recipes. And adapted others to my personal tastes. I have cooked for a lot of people over the years. And although I never entered a contest myself, many people who have not only entered but won big contests have tried my food. And I have often been asked why I don't enter. The answer is simple. My reward is the look of satisfaction on people's faces when they enjoy what they are eating. I don't need a trophy to enjoy the art of cooking. I just want to serve a good meal to good people who appreciate it.
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