Tavern Soup

"We love this soup -- very comforting on a cold day! The recipe is from Complete Crockery Cookery."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
6hrs 20mins




  • Combine celery, carrot, green pepper and onion in a slow cooker. Add broth, beer, salt and pepper. Cover and cook on LOW 5 to 6 hours.
  • After 5 or 6 hours, remove vegetables with a slotted spoon and process in a blender or food processor in batches until pureed and return to cooker with broth. Turn control to HIGH. Dissolve cornstarch in water; stir into pureed mixture. Add cheese gradually, stirring until blended. Cover and cook on HIGH 15 to 20 minutes. Serve hot.

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  1. My family loves this soup. I actually prepare it through the step when you blend the vegetables, then freeze. When ready to eat, continue with the water, cornstarch, etc. GREAT on a cold Wisconsin evening!
  2. This soup was OK, and very easy to make - I used a hand blender directly in the slow cooker, which meant I avoided the messy transfer of vegetables to the food processor. And I used my own chicken stock instead of the canned broth (which I don't think we can buy in the UK). My son says the soup tastes like cheese on toast with beer but without the toast! However, we had two problems with it. The first was entirely my fault. I'm not at all sure what "light beer" is, so I used ordinary Pils, and the aftertaste was very pronounced and rather odd. I think maybe American "light beer" might produce a different result? But that is my fault, not the recipe's. The second problem was in the way the grated cheddar dissolved. Despite vigorous stirring, the soup looked curdled, even when I tried to rescue it with more cornflour. Despite these problems, I can see that it would have been nicer if I hadn't gone wrong with the beer, so I am giving it 3 stars ("liked it").


  1. This soup was OK, and very easy to make - I used a hand blender directly in the slow cooker, which meant I avoided the messy transfer of vegetables to the food processor. And I used my own chicken stock instead of the canned broth (which I don't think we can buy in the UK). My son says the soup tastes like cheese on toast with beer but without the toast! However, we had two problems with it. The first was entirely my fault. I'm not at all sure what "light beer" is, so I used ordinary Pils, and the aftertaste was very pronounced and rather odd. I think maybe American "light beer" might produce a different result? But that is my fault, not the recipe's. The second problem was in the way the grated cheddar dissolved. Despite vigorous stirring, the soup looked curdled, even when I tried to rescue it with more cornflour. Despite these problems, I can see that it would have been nicer if I hadn't gone wrong with the beer, so I am giving it 3 stars ("liked it").


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